5 Anger

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Hitachi's POV

During my seventh month pregnancy Shu and I had a argument. Right now I am ignoring Shu. I  don't even want to be in the same room as him. I am temporarily staying inside my grand parents room.

If you're thinking right now, 'Hitachi is sleeping in the same bed and room as his grandparent'. Well I am. I've been sleeping in the middle of my grandparents for five days.

The cause of this fight was of course, idiot Shu. Let me explain with a flashback. If you're looking up, trying to find a cloud with the memory of the fight........................ ummmm................... Please don't. If you do, I'll have to consider you an idiot. You're suppose to be looking at the words not the sky. Anyways......... back to what I was saying.

It all started with my cravings....................

Flashback Begins (five days ago)

I got up from my sleep and looked at the clock. It was 5:00a.m. and I was craving pudding, chocolate milk and ice-cream. "I'm so happy I'm only craving sweet things" I said out loud.

I was about to wake up Shu to get it for me, but he was not next to me on the bed. "Where is Shu." I said angrily. "Doesn't he know that he has to stay in bed waiting for when I tell him to go get something for me" I know that I sound kind of mean but I'm pregnant... with his baby. What do you expect me to be?................. Nice?

Angry as I already am, I walked out my bedroom door and started to walk towards the kitchen. There was no sign of Shu anywhere.

I arrived at the kitchen and switch on the lights.  To my surprise, I saw Shu eating my pudding, greedily.

"SHU" I screamed. Their were rage in my voice, and I'm certain the anger showed on my face. I looked at him. Shu was frozen with a spoon in his mouth and my pudding in his hand. The chocolate milk was almost empty and there was nothing inside the ice-cream container.

 Tears started to run down my face. Shu dropped the pudding and spoon onto the floor and ran over to me. He tried to hug me, but I pulled away. Shouting "Don't touch me Shu. I specifically told you not to touch them." Shu whispered, "Sorry.......... but....."

I cut him off before he could finish his sentence, "F*CK YOU SHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                                                  To Be Continued


Hi. I tried to make it into a continuation. I want you to guess what Hitachi is going to do next. To make me write the next chapter quickly. There  is only three things you have to do. That is, COMMENT, VOTE and SHARE.

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