6 Bad Luck

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Hitachi - I have decided to ask Shu what he was thinking when this happen. So this time will be about Shu's POV. I taking a break. Until next chapter, Bye. OH! Shu do you have anything to say.

Shu - Yes. Please know that Hitachi is not a person to get angry easily. And when he do, it is best to stay quiet until he cools down. Hitachi being pregnant was..........um.......... *turn to Hitachi*  ...........well.......... um........

Hitachi - *Deadly Smile* Please continue.

Shu - *Gulps* *whispers* You'll see in the story.


Shu's POV

Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, was the only thing going through my mind. I hate seeing him cry. I was so lost in thought thinking of how to make this situation better that I didn't see when Hitachi turned and started walking towards the exit of the kitchen. When I noticed that he was leaving the room I tried to run after him, but........... 'BANG!!!!!' Bad luck was always on my side.

I groan as I got of the floor. Glaring at the chair that threw me down. I hurried out of the kitchen seeing Hitachi not to far from the kitchen. I shouldn't be surprise. You see, Hitachi's belly is very big since he is carrying twins, which makes it harder to run and walk too. Simply put, he waddles............. like a duck.

I then started to run. Hitachi saw me and then darted in to a room. I was about to run in the room, but I got a slammed door to my face causing me to lose my balance. I was hurt all over. Take heed to my warning: Never mess with a pregnant person. They have a way of making everything in their surrounding turn against the one that annoys them.

 I was now sitting on the floor, groaning in pain, when I heard sniffling. I raised up my head and saw my love with teary eyes, looking out from the crack of the door. I jumped up and quickly walked towards the door where Hitachi was now sobbing.

Hitachi spoke between sobs "I'm sorry. I don't know what have gotten me so angry. I'm-I don't know why I acted that way over something so unimportant. I--" Cutting him off, I said "Please don't say anymore. It's not your fault that you acted so unruly. You just wasn't thinking, and since you are pregnant--" Hitachi looked at me with a very angry expression. He started "Are you trying to say that I'm not just a psycho , but I'm dumb too. And since I'm pregnant I'm now dumber."

Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit. I completely forgot that grandpa (Hitachi's grandfather) said to watch my mouth when talking to a pregnant person. Especially a pregnant Takemura (Hitachi's last name). Because they tend to twist your words............ a lot.

Before I can answer, Hitachi shouted "SHU YOU IDIOT!!!!!" Then he slammed the door shut. I banged on the door until blisters appeared on my knuckles. Not hearing anything from the other side I decided to kick the door open. All those martial arts training with Hitachi was certainly useful. Crap!!!!!! I wasn't suppose to mention that until book 2. Oh!!!!!!! I wasn't suppose to mention that either. Neko (Writer) is going to kill me.

Back to the story. Inside the room there were nothing and no one. There were only a boor........ leading to another room which I completely forgot about. Opening the door, hoping to find Hitachi. To my luck I found nothing. Then I heard one of the room upstairs slam shut.

Did I ever tell you bad luck was always on my side.

                                                                                      To Be Continue.

(Writer: Sorry to all pregnant persons. Please forgive what I said. I'm an idiot.)


 Hi, I can't believe Shu sold out the secret. I specifically told him not to say anything. To the punishment room he shall go.

I want to make dedications, but I don't know if it is a good idea. Please comment and tell me your opinions.

Vote Share and Comment. Bye

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