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Looking at the pictures I felt bad fa lil mama more than anything. She's a good girl who doesn't fuck with no body so why 'they' coming for her. I can't say I didn't feel the need to comfort her at this time. I want to be her man so I'm gonna take the necessary steps ta show her what I'm about. Starting with protecting her from this dude who thinks their "Destined to be together." I walk to her bedroom and got her head in her pillows crying her eyes out.

"Stop crying lil ma" I sit at the edge of her bed picking her up sitting her across my lap, she accepts my gesture and wraps her arms around me sniffling.

"Estoy tan cansada. Espero que esta persona no esté intentando infligirme peligro. No he hecho nada malo a nadie. These pictures have me scared and I dont want to get hurt" ( I'm so tired killa. I hope this person is not trying to inflict danger upon me . I've done nothing wrong to anyone . These pictures have me scared and I dont want to get hurt )

I didn't understand much of what she was saying, but I knew she said something about being tired and not wanting to get hurt. I'd never do anything to hurt her.

I rub her back whispering sweet nothing's into her ear. She was truly hurt I can tell. I just feel like whoever sent the pictures is a BITCH. You don't do no shit like that to anyone...... not like that bruh.

She fell asleep about five minutes ago, she was now snoring but it didn't bother me because I snore too.

My phone started to ring and vibrate in my jean pocket. Kaibee's  eyes started to flutter open "Killa something is vibrating mi"she yawned cuddling against me. I just chuckle at how nasty that sounded pulling my phone out my pocket.

"Yo?" I make sure not to talk loud lil mama needs her rest.

"Aye where you at dog?" Jays voice echoed through kaibee's room. So I turned down my phone volume.

"uh.." I said looking down at kaibee sleep on my chest peacefully "I'm at kaibee's bruh..."

"See I told y'all ugly asses, his ugly ass was going to go try to get with my wife nigga always doing some shit" I could hear play talking shit in the background. I smack my lips "Tell that ugly dude nobody want his big lip ass" I laughed into the phone. I can here laughing before the line goes silent, guess they hung up.

I rubbed kaibee's back as she slept while I watched Netflix on the flat screen in her room. After about half an hour I was ready to head home. i was wore out and my back was killing me from this position. I slowly moved and tried to get kaibee under the bed covers but she started to wake up.

"nuh Killa"she said starting to wake up, I lifted her up "yes kaibee you need rest." She sits up and pouts, quickly straddling my lap again "Where you going?"
"Stay here with me" she looked down and started to play with her fingers.

"Lil mama you tripping" I said thinking about what she asked "Ion think it's a good idea to be honest"

"why yuh trna leave mi then? You must got your little sidechicks waiting for you" she rolls her eyes and I could tell she was getting an attitude.
I just smirk at the mad face she has because she thinks I'm trying to go see another woman. Yea right.

"There's no one else" I assured her but she is stubborn and overall I'm sure she doesn't play that.

"prove it".

"just tell me how"I lick my lips and she leans down close to my face. I grab her chin softly and she pecks my lips before we both finally started to kiss. At this moment all I could think about was how soft her lips was and how good she smelled. I found myself rubbing on her left ass cheek and I could tell she liked it. Every now and then she would let out a small moan. Not gone lie it turned a nigga on.

Kaibee The Homeless Girl Where stories live. Discover now