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Think it's so important to let you guys know that I'm changing Gregory's name. I just think the new name is better  " Adam " ❤


° Part 1 °

One year later.....

Kaibee Coleman

I woke up from another good dream. This time killa and I were married with beautiful children. It all seemed so real until I blinked a few times and noticed the chain was still on my ankle.

I grabbed the pen and notebook from under the mattress . I moved slowly so the chains wouldn't let him know I'm up. Adam doesn't know I have this but I do and I write all my prayers in it. As well as my age name and important stuff like his full name and a detailed story of when he took me . . This book is important. If he were to ever find this my life would be over.

I wrote

Dear Lord,
Thank you for waking me up this morning. It is now day 366 of me being trapped here. I wonder is killa looking for me. Or has he ever looked for me. Father God is he even alive?.... I think I liked my life better when I was homeless. Please put your angles around me. I have to get away - Kaibee Coleman

MI closed the notebook and put it back under the mattress.

There was he sound of keys clinking so I sat up straight. Things here are horrible. I haven't saw daylight in so long and I'm getting skinny because I can't risk eating anything he makes. He might drug me. I'm happy he hasn't tried anything sexual towards me. Mi might just kill myself if he did.

Within a few seconds he was coming through the door. " good morning beautiful " he smiled. Adam had a tray of food in his hands. It had a tiny flower vase on it with colorful flowers inside and a cup of orange juice. I couldn't tell why kind of food was on the plate yet.

" what have I said about not saying it back " he set the tray next to me on the bed then looked down upon Mi.

" Goodmorning " I said annoyed. This stupid mother fucker gone say some Goodmorning. You got me trapped in this room for over a year probably killed my boyfriend then gone say some Goodmorning!

" there you go darling " he grabs my chin making me look up at him " you need to eat something! We can't risk you falling out again. It's not safe or healthy " he pouted.

" oh and kidnapping women is!? Voy a matarte, solo mira. Estupido! estupido! estupido! " (I'm going to kill you watch. Stupid! stupid! stupid!)

I said hitting him like a mad woman . I jumped off the bed and swung my arms crazily out of anger. He got sick of my tiny knuckles hitting him so he grabbed my shoulders and forced me to sit down.

" you have to learn how to listen! " he gives me a hard smack to my face, so hard I fall back on the bed.

" when I get back the Fucking! plate better be empty! " with that he stomps out the room and slammed the door. I cry sitting up then ate the food. At least he can cook? The food actually tastes good.

Mi got use to Adam slapping mi. He never hit me much, unless I refused to do what he said. That doesn't make it okay. I have to get out of this room. There's no windows and I only have a mirror and a fan that's it. No games to play. Not even word puzzles. He always wants to ask for a kiss or brush my curls.

But I say nuh! Only killa can brush my hair and give mi kisses. Adam is a stupid maniac... But it could be worse I know God has a plan for me. After all he helped me before. I was all done eating. It was three big pancakes and two pieces of bacon.

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