Chapter 14

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A while after Nate had met all of the members of Wolves of Bass, Solomon had called him. "Man, where the heck are you?" Nate could make out of the static.

"I'm... um..." He looked around himself. "At Holiday Inn." There was a long pause. "Nathan... why the crap are you there? You do know we're at the Renaissance." Nate was silent, licking his lips. He tried to answer, but couldn't come up with a response.

"Hello?" Asked a now frustrated Solomon.

"...Gotta go, bye." That was Nate's response. He hung up quickly, and told WOB his goodbyes. "Wait, where are you going?" Asked Katjaa, concerned. He turned to her, suddenly mesmerized by her bronze eyes. Gosh, they were beautiful. "I... I gotta do sound check," he murmured, looking at the ground. She flashed him a smile. "Okay," she replied. "See you tomorrow." She turned around, looking behind herself. Nate did the same walking to his car, accidentally slamming into it.


Nate pulled into the small hotel parking lot, and sprinted towards the lobby. He dashed inside, and crashed right into Solomon, knocking the small man over. Surprisingly, Soli shrugged it off quickly. "C'mon, c'mon, Josh is really ticked!" He yelped. They ran towards the staircase, knowing that the elevator would take much longer. Once they got to the third floor, Soli fumbled with the key, and shoved it in the keyhole. They could hear screams inside of the room, obviously belonging to Jake.

Soli swung open the heavy door, revealing Jake on the carpet floor, Josh on top of him, grabbing him close to the neck. Jake was screaming, trying to kick Josh from underneath. All of the madness stopped when they noticed Solomon. Josh got off of Jake like nothing happened, and Jake stood, attempting to smile casually, which was definitely something he needed to work on.

"What the heck was going on in here?!" Asked Nate. He leaves for a couple hours, and all this happens? Jake, of corse, just shrugged. Josh grunted, rubbing his arm and looking at the wall. Solomon slapped Jake angrily, looked at Josh, and decided slapping him would just make things deadly. Jake slapped him back, in return getting slapped again. Just as soon as Jake tackled Soli, there was a loud knock on the door.

Josh and Nate looked at each other, Solomon and Jake got up. "Who could that be?" Muttered Josh, as he opened the door. There stood a tall, muscular man in a UPS uniform. He held a small box, causing suspicion to rise in the four. "Delivery," the man said. Josh nodded, and thanked him. The door closed, and Jake snatched the box from Josh. Josh scowled, but did nothing more.

"What the heck is this?" Wondered Solomon.

"Does it look like I know?" Growled Jake, looking at his older brother with cold eyes. "Just open the stinkin' box, Jake," snapped Josh.

"Okay, okay!"

He tore open the box ungracefully, a home-made DVD slipping out. "No case or anything," discovered Jake. "Doesn't even have writing on it." Solomon grabbed the DVD from Jake's hand, and started for the TV, slipping the disk in. The screen was blank.

"Nothing's on it," grumbled Soli. "It was a trick." Josh face-palmed himself. "Soli..." He murmured.

"What? I did nothing!"

Josh sighed, questioning if there was any such thing as being smart in this band. "The screen is blank because THE TV IS OFF, YOU DOOFUS." Soli widened his eyes, and very slowly, said, "...Oh..." Everyone slapped their foreheads as he turned on the TV.

The screen flashed to life, black for a moment. Then, static-like lines crossed it, making Jake jump, the others shuddering. It looked dark behind the now-less-frequent static lines, except for what looked like many computer screens lined up against a wall. Then, a hoarse, dry voice began to whisper. "This is a warning." Nate and Soli looked at each other, fearful. Suddenly, the computer screens were blocked out by something large. Large... And glowing.

It was a giant cat's eye. "They're coming for you," the cat snarled. "And, no matter what path you choose- to surrender, or to fight- you will die." The four stared at the screen, mouths open and shivering. Who was they? "So," the dreadful cat continued evilly. "You might as well want to kill yourself now, because, guess what." The eye wrinkled, showing the cat was smiling. "You die in any way."

Jake reached for the remote, panting, wanting to turn it off, but ended up being slapped on the hand by Josh. "Ow!" He shouted. The three shushed him violently, and he obediently shut up.

"So, make up your minds," the cat leaned in even closer. "Nathan, Solomon, Joshua and Jacob." Each of the guys shuttered at the sound of their names. How in the world did he know them?! "Time is running out." The cat laughed, then continued, "Well, it already has for two of your friends." 'Wait... Two?' Thought Nate. "Derek and Trevor." That sparked adrenaline to rise in Nate so strongly, he leapt out of his seat. This couldn't be true.

Trevor was dead.

"And also," the cats terrifying voice brought Nate's eyes back to the screen. "Is running short on your love, Nate." Nate's eyes widened, as the camera moved to show Katjaa in a cage, that animals should be in. "No..." He started with a whisper, crescendoing into a scream. "No, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO!!" Katjaa screamed from in the cage, "HELP ME!" She reached out her hand from the spaces between the bars of the cage, tears streaming from her face.

"You better make it quick," warned the cat. "I'm waiting for you, and so is she." He dragged a long, sharp claw against the soft flesh of her arm, Katjaa shouting in pain and pulling her arm back, blood instantly pouring from the wound. The camera became extremely fuzzy, then suddenly, the tape ended.

Everyone looked at Nate, who looked as if he was going to hyperventilate. He was abnormally pale, his eyes were red, and his lips were peeled back into a frightening snarl. Nobody spoke for five minutes straight. They just watched as Nate paced back and forth, facial expression not changing the slightest bit.

After about an hour of just pacing, Nate finally calmed down. "Guys," he said excessively loud, as he sat down on a bed.

"We are going to fight, even if it kills us."


Sorry for being so short. :/ I thought this might be a good ending for this chapter. Thanks!

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