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Back At Beacon......

"I c-can't believe she's gone. I never g-got the chance to tell her.." Yang stuttered. The others were confused, so Blake decided to ask what was on everyone's mind. She just had to think about how to put it, but after a minute, she gave up and said it straight up.

"Hey Yang, why were you hit so much harder than the rest of us, and what did you not tell her?" Blake asked, readying herself for the impact of a fist to any part of her body, but it never came. "Yang?"

"I..*sigh* it's not important..."

"Well it obviously is, because you are crying your eyes out every time we turn around!" Weiss butted in. "We're all sad about probably losing an amazing friend like her, but she chose this life, knowing the danger she could get herself into. We can't get hung up on one person, just because they are your friend. You are the one who said that to all of us, so how is this any different?"

"..*sniff* I said a friend..." Yang said quietly. The others looked at each other, hoping someone would have an answer. Just then, Pyrrha realized what she meant. She stepped forward. The others looked at her in confusion, waiting to see what she would do or say. She puts a hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"You're in love with her, aren't you Yang." She stated. The entire group looked at Yang wide eyed, remembering all of the times when Yang accidently let her love for the other girl slip. She was never caught, as the others just shrugged it off most of the time, but those times were too close for comfort. They awaited the true approval before assuming anything, though.

"Yes! But I was too much of a pansy to say anything to anyone, including you guys." Yang was full blown crying now, as Pyrrha pulled her into a tight embrace while she cried until they decided to go back inside, but still Yang held onto the red head. She watched, as the once bright, burning flame, slowly faded into the smallest flicker of a light. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the blonde, knowing what it feels like when your biggest crush doesn't notice how much you really care for them. They all headed to the cafeteria to get something in their bellies.

"As hard as this is for you, you have to eat Yang." Ruby said to her sister, the latter picking at her food.

""I know, but I don't know if I could even keep it down, if I did." Yang honestly said. It was true. With all of the stress of these past few hours, she wasn't well enough to eat anything without it going back on the tray within a few minutes. Ruby grumbled, sounding slightly annoyed, but any thought about that feeling was depleted when she saw the sincere and upset look on the blonde's face.

"Alright. But as soon as you are well enough to eat, you will. Got it?" The younger one, now being the older sister of the two, clearly meant business, so Yang didn't hesitate to agree.

"Okay. Wow, who's the big sis now?" She chuckled, everybody else following suit.

"You still don't hesitate to make a joke, even in this type of situation. Well, *sigh* I'm glad you are recovering at least." Ruby said, the relief showing on her face. She flashed a small smile to Yang, the older one reciprocating it.

"Thanks for being the best sister ever Ruby. I don't know how I would survive without you. Love ya little sis." She thanked, ruffling the Rose's hair.

"No problem big sis. Love you too." After that statement, they wrapped each other in their arms, enjoying the loving embrace. But, for the second time today, a loving embrace was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Sorry to break this amazing moment between you two, but it's time to go to class you guys." Jaune piped up. He wasn't normally one to interfere with something that involves Yang, but his statement was true.

"Alright, let's go." She said, as they all started walking to their respective classrooms.

Back To The Mission....

"I still don't think I'm the best for this mission. I know I won against Pyrrha, but I probably just got lucky. Also, why am I doing it alone if it is so dangerous?" I inquired, looking at Ozpin for the answer.

"Luck had nothing to do with it. I've seen you train too, that victory just confirmed that you were fit for the job. Oh, and you're doing it alone, because one, I can't afford to lose that many students at once..." I glared at him, until I realized that it was for the best.

"..and two, because any more people could get in the way or distract you. I want to minimize the possibility of death for you." I opened my mouth to say something, but he cut me off with a question that even I wasn't expecting.

"Say, do you know what was happening with Yang? This seemed to have the biggest impact on her. Did you two have any other relationship besides friends?" he said with a smirk.

"No, only friends." I said, maybe a little too quickly. I looked down at my feet, trying to hide the faint blush that crept on my face.

'Why am I acting like this? I don't have a crush on Yang...right? No. Though, she's got really nice eyes, a calming and adorable smile, a beautiful mane of golden hair, a gorgeous face, a..........shit.' I did. Even though I tried to push those feelings away, they were always there. I didn't say anything to anyone, until now. I just suppressed it, though that definitely took a toll on my body and energy. I would be up all night, my mind racing and keeping me awake, and then I would be exhausted all day, though I would do my best to hide it, apparently succeeding.

"Are you sure? You know suppressing big things like this can hurt you. You can be honest with me." He put a comforting hand upon my shoulder, and I gave in after a moment of taking deep breaths.

"I guess I do like-no, love her. I know that it would've been good to talk to someone about it, but there wasn't anyone that I was willing to. Plus, I could never get alone with anyone for long enough to do so. I...I just don't know how I managed to hide it for this long. Now, I'm probably going to die before I get to tell her." My eyes started to water slightly, but I held back.

"Don't be so sure. I gave you this mission for a reason." He said reassuringly.

"Wait, what do I even have to do anyway? What's so dangerous about this mission?" I asked, remembering that those details are the only ones I knew about.

"Well, the main White Fang base is not too far from here, and if it is defeated, the rest will go down rapidly." He stated casually, as if he's said it multiple tim-oh yeah..

"Oh, well I'll do my best to defeat them."

"You have one month. After that, you will be considered dead." He adds quickly.

"Okay.....if I don't make it, tell Yang and the group my true feelings. Please?" I looked up at him, the tears threatening to break free, then, following through. The grey haired man just looked at me, seeing my pained expression. He nodded, giving me a quick smile before he wished me luck, and headed back to where the airship had descended.

'Well, let's do this. For you teams RWBY and JNPR. I love you, Yang.' I thought, hoping she would hear, though it was silly to think she would. I walked around the forest-like area Ozpin took me to, cautiously, scoping the place out. Once I found a safe place to set up camp, I started to plan my route, trying to think of a sneaky way into the base without being noticed. Hopefully, I won't need to just think about my feelings for the blonde, but I will be able to act upon them.

'One day...'

A/N: Quick update. Hope you enjoy! :)

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