Chapter 19 - Attention

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Okay, the truth for not updating is because I really don't have that much of an interest in One Direction anymore. Yeah, I'm still a fan and everything but not hardcore enough to be bothered to write a fan fiction about them. I know this sounds really really bad... But I'm still going to finish this fan fiction whether it takes me a week, a month, a year. This has been going on for 2 years, and the reason being is because I don't update a lot. And a little bit because this has become attached to me, this story. I don't want to finish it because if I do, I won't have a reason on WattPad anymore. This story is the reason why I have met all of you fantastic people, and when I let go of this story I'll feel like a part of me is gone.
P.S. I'm sorry for this chapter not being long enough, and I'm sorry for not updating. 

Anyways... Happy reading!


“N… Niall…” I stutter

“Niall, it’s not what it looks like!” Zayn explains

Niall takes a step further and has a disgusted look on his face. He points his focus on Zayn, still holding onto my waist. I take Zayn’s arms off me and take a step back. I feel so disgusted and guilty for what I’ve done, but not only that, the fact that I didn’t think of Harry when I was kissing Zayn. Wait a second…

Why would Zayn kiss me?

I feel a flash coming from behind me. I turn around and see my worst nightmare. Paparazzi.

“It’s too late to run now!” They say with their thick accents. “We’ve captured everything, this is going to make me a lot of money for sure!”

Oh god.

I turn back around. Zayn looks very upset, and Niall looks like he really doesn’t want to be involved, but now he has no choice. The Paparazzi are throwing curses at me, asking Zayn ‘why he would do that’, and worst of all trying to ask Niall for the full story. Before I could even take a single breath, security guards, including Paul, come from every angle and escort Zayn, Niall and I into a car.
I didn’t want to speak a single word on the way there. I just wanted to go back to my hotel, go back to my modeling, go back to my LIFE. I suddenly just didn’t want to be involved with Harry’s anymore. Not that I didn’t want to, but because I don’t deserve to.

“At least its pay back…” Zayn says, as if he were reading my mind.

“Pay back for what?” I ask

“Pay back for what Harry did to you in high school.” He answers

Niall looks up at me, still with a disgusted look on his face, then to Zayn, then out the window.

“Niall, seriously, what’s your problem?” Zayn asks

“My problem is, you don’t know how much this could effect our careers. And not only us, Jessie’s as well!” He yelled. “Paparazzi’s have all the photos and like they said, we can’t hide. We’re doomed.”

“Wouldn’t that be a good thing then? We’d get more attention… Or that’s what our Managers would say.” Zayn pointed out

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