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yoongi ran.

yoongi tried to hold back his tears as he continued to increase his pace. he felt like his feet were about to give up on him, but he persisted. feeling tears trickle down his cheeks, he shook his head, telling himself that now wasn't the time. with gritted teeth, he forced himself not to look back. he couldn't bear to see what the scenario looked like. it would be too much for him.

he didn't know where he was going — it was all a blur to him. he couldn't think straight; his mind felt like a mist he couldn't abscond. it keep drifting back to taehyung. he felt wrong; he felt like he shouldn't have left the younger. he tried to discard those thoughts, telling himself that the male had passed, but it kept coming back to him. no matter how hard he tried, he just couldnt.

yoongi stumbled. he fell, crashing down the rough cement. he winced, feeling pain in his torso. he tried to bring himself back up, but his limbs were failing him. his legs were sore and it was hard to use them as support. he bit his lip and held his breath, trying to ignore the discomfort as he attempted to stand up.

he tried to look pass at the corner of his eyes as anxiety started to crawl up to him like a parasite. his hands were starting to shake as he did so; the feeling of adrenaline overwhelming him. he put his hands on either side of his head and attempted to pull himself up, but he only ended up collapsing back to the ground.

yoongi yelped when he was pulled up suddenly. he started to squirm, but he was forced to stop. yoongi turned to look at the suspect and felt the heavy burden lift from his shoulders.

it was seokjin.

yoongi opened his mouth to speak, but seokjin placed a finger against his lips, as if saying that he should not let a single sound escape his mouth. yoongi pursed his lips as seokjin anxiously looked over his shoulder before turning a corner quickly, with yoongi still held tightly around him.

with each step they were taking, it became dimmer. it didn't even seem like they were in the neighborhood anymore – no — they were in a completely different setting now. yoongi didn't want to ask the male, but the moonlit darkness that hovered over them was starting to frighten him; the mere sound of leaves scrambling from under his feet made him shudder. the tall trees that served as a dome were not even visible anymore due to the dark.

"it's gonna be alright. we're almost there," seokjin breathed, "hoseok and jimin are waiting for us."

yoongi was not convinced. due to the events that had occured, he doubted they were going to be fine, yet, he didn't say anything. he kept silent, quietly holding the male for assistance. the darkness pressed in on him from all sides as the feeling of apprehension grasped onto him like a leech. the dim that surrounded him developed a sense of claustrophobia; even the mild susurration of the branches felt heavy to his ears.


there was scratching.

both of them froze.

yoongi turned to seokjin, eyes wide. seokjin did not hesitate to push the both of them behind one of the gnarled trunks. yoongi heard the older grimace slightly as his back hit the rough bark.


yoongi shot a terrified look at seokjin. the older male had an evident look of fear plastered on his face, but nevertheless, he was able to shake head — as if saying not to move. not at all. yoongi dug his fingers into seokjin's hand unconsciously as the noise continued on.

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