Chelsea The Great And Powerful

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"Who was it this time?" Chelsea asked.  It had been only a few minutes after Carl left and I was currently talking to her on the phone.

"Carl" That was all that had to say and she was already starting to rant.

"I'm so done with him Marley!!! You need to dump him asap. What's going to happen when one day he can't stop himself? You deserve so much better then him.

"Chelsea I can't break up with him. You know I love him and he's been through a lot. You know with his brother and all. It's been a lot for him and yes he's been taking it out on me sometimes but I rather him do it to ne then to himself."

"That's no excuse . If he loved you back, he wouldn't abused you like this." I rolled my eyes at this comment. I mean I know what it looks like but trust me Carl is NOT abusing me.

"Can you just come over? We can have a girls night you know just you me and Sandy  it'll be fun I promise."

" I don't know Marley I mean Jake and I we're planning on going out and-" I cut her off.

"Oh please Chelsea! Come on I really need this please!!!!!" I knew she would break she always does.

" Fine I'll call Sandy and tell her to come over. We'll be there in about an hour.

" Thank you thank you thank you!!! Chelsea you won't regret it I promise!!! I hung up the phone pleased with myself on how easily I can manipulate Chelsea.

Chelsea has told me time and time again to break up with my boyfriends. She says that I don't need 1000 boyfriends. She thinks I do it because I have a low self esteem which isn't entire untrue but that's not the main reason. And it's true I really do love all of them in my own way . I guess it's kinda weird you know having someone else know about your pretty little secret. I mean it wasn't like I intentionally told Chelsea and Sandy they just sort of found out being nothing but annoying.

One day Chelsea and Sandy we're over at my house and I need to use the bathroom so I put my phone on the charger and I went to the bathroom. Upon my return, I see that Sandy and Chelsea rummaging through my phone. So Chelsea ask me who was Carl and I tell her that he's my boyfriend. Then she ask me who Matt is and I say he's also my boyfriend. Finally she says what you're going to tell me this Jacob guys is your boyfriend too and I say yes he is. Let's just say she wasn't happy.

She threaten me for days that she was going to call all of my boyfriends and tell each and every one of them what I was doing. She said that I had to stop or she was going to stop it. Eventually I calmed her down and explain to her that wasn't that simple and that I could not break up with them.

She was so angry that I was doing this. And she turn to sandy and asked if she agreed with this. And you want to know what Sandy said. She said "If it makes you happy I will not stop you."

Chelsea and I we're both shocked that what she said. Sandy is this super Christian girl from this super Christian family. So when she said that it was so not like her. I honestly was expecting her to read scriptures from the Bible or something. Maybe even perform an exorcism on me.

Chelsea ended up storming out of the room and did not speak to me for a whole month. I'd have to say that was the worst month of my life. When she finally did decide to speak to me again she said that did not agree with what I was doing but she cannot stand not having me to life.

I guess that's friends are for right? Even when you disagree with what they are doing you still sort of accept it because you love them but you still give them a hard time about it all the time.

I finally get up out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower which always too hot or too cold but I don't have the money to get it fixed.

After 20 minutes of being in the shower, I reluctantly get out. I decide that I'm going to wear my Hello Kitty pajama pants and a white tank top. I throw my hair into a messy bun and don't even bother putting on any makeup.

With one more quick look in the mirror I see that there is a bruise on my neck the shape of a hand.

"Well there's no fixing that" I say to myself.  I just gotta hope Chelsea doesn't see it which she probably will but oh well.....

Knock Knock

I run to the door expecting to see Chelsea and Sandy but it's not them.

When I open the door I see Matt. A drunk Matt.


Oohhh cliffhanger I hope you guys like thus chapter I worked really hard on it. What do you think is gonna happen next? And why do you think Matt is there? Next chapter coming Saturday or Sunday. Btw who likes the new cover. Credits to MayzieRosberg for making it for me.  Go read her book A Mile A Minute.

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