"Heeeeyyyyy babe" Mat slurred. Matt stumbled into the house which was a very funny sight to see.
"Matt honey, you're drunk" I said and laughed when he looked at me with a shocked face. Even though I hate drunk people Matt is so cute when he is. He's like a little boy.
"Oh shit I am!" He said as he fell on top of the couch.
"Why are you drunk babe? You only drink when something is wrong." I coukd see his expression change right before my eyes. Whatever happened it was bad.
"They're closing my shelter"
"What? Why? They can't just do that you built that place from the ground up! That's your greatest accomplishment!!!!!!!" Matt has worked so hard to make that animal shelter a success and now it's gonna be all for nothing.
"Not enough of the pets are getting adopted so the state is closing down the shop." He said as tears rolled down his face. I wiped his tears and then a horrible thought came into my mind.
"What's gonna happen to the pets who haven't been adopted?"
"They are senting them to Claymoore."
Claymoore is the state run animal pound. The animals they are given only a week to be adopted. If they don't get adopted at the end of the week they put them down. The animals are basically dead already.
"I'm so sorry Matt" I hugged him tightly "Let me go make you some tea," I gave him a kiss on the check and headed towards the kitchen.
As I start to boil the water for his tea, I start to think about how hard he worked for those animals. It's so wrong that all he tries to do is good and look what comes from it. As much as I like Matt, I think he likes his animals more than me. As I finish making his tea I turn to see Chelsea and Sandy with an amused look on their faces.
"Damn it guys, you scared me!" I yelled.
"Why is there a drunk vegan sleeping on your couch?" Chelsea asked with a smirk. I looked at her confused and then I turn and see that she was telling the truth about him being asleep. So much for the tea.
"You want some tea?" Chelsea nods her head and I pour her a cup.
"Is alcohol even vegan?" Sandy asks. I was about to tell her that of course it was but I honestly didn't know.
"HAHAHA your boyfriend is the worst vegan ever." Chelsea laughs.
I couldn't help but join her " HAHAHA he really is" Next thing I know, Chelsea, Sandy and I are laghing our asses off in the kitchen. This is why I love these girls so much the help me forget all the bad things. It's moments like these that I cherish.
"Come on let's head upstairs." I said. And with that we're off.
I hope you guys like this! :) Sorry for being away for so long.

Three is A Crowd
Roman d'amourMarley Cutwater lives in Manhattan, New York. She is a 23 year blonde with a perfect job and a perfect body but she hides a secret. Marley has three boyfriends. Matt, Jacob, and Carl What will happen when she is reconnected with an old love? Can...