Chapter 1

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Aura's POV
I landed on top of a pile of snow on exiting the portal as the cold wind blew through my hair. I stood up from the ground as I removed the excess snow on my clothes. The climate here never bothered me at all because I've faced much more worse than this.

I walked the snowy path with my hood up, carefully looking around for unsuspecting enemies hiding from the snow. Then I hear some crunching noises from the distance. I quickly moved towards the source of it and saw...a skeleton lying on down?

His bones were black excluding from his teeth,hands, and legs. Glitches covered his body with the word ERROR coming out every second or so. His clothing was a mixture of black,yellow, and a small gradient of blue from his hoodie. I wonder why a skeleton is doing here in the middle of nowhere?

I carefully picked the unconscious skeleton up in my arms. He was quite light to carry since he is after all made out of bones. I could feel his faint breathing and body barely moving. I guess he's badly worn out and injured by fighting someone...

I made a small shelter out of the crystals I summoned out and placed the skeleton inside. I used my fire crystal to create warmth against the cold temperatures. I touched his forehead just in case if he caught a cold from staying in the snow for too long. I know skeletons can't get sick but that's not applied for all of them.

His forehead feels really hot and I can see his cheeks blushing,probably from the cold. I pulled out my bag and took out some medicine for colds along with warm water to drink.

Lifting his head up as I held under his head with my left hand  and my right opening his mouth a little to put the medicine in. I used my magic to help him swallow it with water because he was still unconscious. As for the injures,I healed them with the use of my crystals as the wounds slowly fades away.

I held him around my arms,facing him front on my chest and hoodie wrapped over us. My eyes started to close and slowly going to sleep...

Error's POV
I woke up feeling a lot...better???What the he'll happened to me???And why am I inside a crystal shelter all of a sudden???

I jolted up when a hand moved against my spine. I could feel my cheeks blushing from the touch as I see myself being hugged by a...h-human girl?!?

Her face was just a few inches away from mine as I quickly got her off with my strings and she was startled by it.

"W-What the?! H-Hey! That's not how you treat someone who just saved your life from the very verge of death!?You should be grateful that I found you out in the snow or else you wouldn't be still here!"she yelled in anger as I feel really embarrassed and ashamed from my rude reaction.

"S-Sorry...I was just shocked to see you hugging me...I don't like physical contact from anyone so that's why I did that you..."I looked away nervously and scratched behind my skull.

"Oh...alright then. My name is Aura but you can call me Rara for short. And what's your name might be?"she asked while trying to get back up from her last position.

"My name is Error Sans but you can call me Error. Uh...thank you for saving me by the way...I could've died

"Hmm... okay but why are you out on the snow anyways?Did you fought earlier after I saved you???"she asked curiously.

"Well...I was fighting with a alternative version of me named Cross. He's from an AU call UnderVerse. He kills anyone under Nightmare's command. I tried to stop him but he was more powerful than I imagined..."I said as she hummed as if she was thinking about something.

"I see...who was this Nightmare you speak of?A black gooey looking skeleton with a left blue eye and tentacles coming out from his back perhaps?"she said as my eyes grew wide in shock.


"And if you're wondering how I knew Nightmare,I met him when I was just a little kid. He usually visits my world with his brother Dream to have fun but...something happened to him and changed drastically after that..."she said with a hint of sadness in her tone.

"Could you tell me what happened to him?"I asked,getting curious to know what happened to Nightmare in that time.

"Okay...I'll tell you exactly what happened that very day...

I was playing tag under the Crystal Cave with Dream and Nightmare. The area is supposed to be forbidden from any contact with beings but only I can enter it hence gaining the excess there. Time flows differently in my world as hours turns into minutes and days into years.

People from other AUs come to visit my world once in a while but they have to use a lot of magic to be able to go there. I give them my crystals to make it easier for them to enter as the crystal creates a portal directly leading to the Crystal Cave.

Nightmare wandered of into the darkest part of Crystal Cave and saw the Chaotic Crystal. That crystal can turn someone into their darker self. As Nightmare touches it,he became his darker self. The one you all now know and feared by many...

I tried to save him from the crystal in corrupting his soul anymore but I was held back by a strange being. I cried out in the desperate attempt to keep his sanity left until...he was already gone...devoured by the darkness within that Chaotic Crystal.

I had to temporarily erase Dream's memories of Nightmare so he wouldn't be endangered from him. I sealed off the cave with my magic so no one could enter and end up the same faith like Nightmare did...

In the end,I've searched far and wide in collecting various types of crystals for specific purposes. The people soon found out about my powers and tried to capture me but I escaped and here I was now in your world....

So that's the entire story..."she finished with a small sigh.

"........Wow...... I don't know what to say...I mean,that was the saddest story I ever heard...except from Geno of course..."I said.

" least my story didn't end with a tragedy. It reminded me to never lose hope to someone you really care. That's how I got so far..."she said as I nodded in response....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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