Re united

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So this is the sequel to 'Love for him'. Hope you enjoy this first chapter xx

I heard as the car pulled up in the drive way. I was so nervous. The butterflies that flew around were making me feel queasy. How can I fight iff the most deadliest thing known to our kind but not face her? She didn't know about this new life I lead or why we ran but I know I will have to tell her.

The clicking of heels on the pavement outside brought me out of my internal mental break down. I slowly made my way to the door. It was just me at home. I had convinced Dimitri to go with the kids to see there aunts and grandma. He eventually agreed.
As I approached the door my nerves were getting worse and I felt I was on the verge of one if my rare panic attacks. I took a deep breath as I waited for them to knock. I was trying so hard to relax and hold back the tears that had already started to form. I missed everyone so much but it was the right thing to do. I heard the gentle knock on the door and opened it to be faced by, Lissa, Sparky and Eddie. I was surprised to see Lissa and Christian with no little ones or a wedding ring. Maybe something happened between them. They did seem a little awkward. Lissa smiled at me with tears forming and pulled me into a tight hug. I retaliated back with the same emotion. Next was sparky. He did nothing wrong. He was like the brother I never had. I hugged him so tight. I felt the tears fall down my cheeks. Now Eddie. He and I grew very close when Mase died. He was always protective over me like an older brother would be to his younger sister. I missed then all so much. No words had yet been exchanged but they didn't need to. It was like that one hug I had with each of them told me everything; that they missed me and loved me and I showed them the exact thing.
Once everyone was in the house and all settled in the living room I started the convosation.
"Well I guess you have a few questions so I will just fill you in. I left because I was pregnant with Dimitri's baby. I know what your going to say but it is possible and we have proof. I didn't feel safe at court and no offence Lissa but I felt pushed out and abandoned. I know you were becoming queen but I needed you. So me and Dimitri decided on leaving. We had a little boy, his name is Ivan. And since then we git a house had twin girls, Liliya and Lucya. They are all my little angels. Me and Dimitri are married. We have a dog aswell a pug named Toby. Life is good." I said and sighed in relief finally explaining my self. Lissa just looked guilty when I explained why I left.
"So where are the little ones?" Asked sparky. I grinned at him and explained where they were. They understood everything I told them. This felt so right.
"So whats happened with you guys or should I leave that subject alone?" I asked hastily. I knew something was up. Christian sighed and looked distant. No answer from anyone. So I pulled him out if the room into the hallway and interrogated him but mot in a bad way a good way.
"Lissa and I. We broke up after you left. She went crazy and insane since you stopped taking the darkness. Which dont feel bad about you were pregnant I dont blame you. But she pushed everyone away including me. We are trying. Since we found you a week or so ago she seemed more open and apologised. It felt so mich better to have her back but I dont know if its the right thing for us." He sighed. I pulled him into a hug and didnt say anything. I made a mental note to help get them back to themselves and be as in love as I am.

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