Chapter [2]

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Luna watched Naruto glare at Inari before storming off.

Inari also  stood up and stormed off.

Luna calmly stood up, and put her dishes away, "Gomen. I am not hungry, Tsunami-San. I.. I have to do something. Arigato for the meal." Luna smiled.

Tsunami smiled, "It's all right."


Luna sighed as she heard Sakura squeal about how cool Sasuke is and how idiotic Naruto was.

Her white ears perked up when she heard the mention of her name, "Luna is a nice girl, and I'm proud to be her friend. She's so cool! Also, she's really nice, caring, and quiet. Really quiet. Not to mention she's polite. Then there's sensei..." Sakura's voice yapped.

"Sakura-Chan is very nice to me, mother. I do not wish to leave her. After all, what are friends for?" Luna smiled  up at the stars. One of the stars  she was looking at glistened happily.

Luna smiled. Her smile seemed more... True... More... Happier, than her usual smiles... It seemed more...  Right...


"Alright. Focus, Luna. Balance out your chakra. Not too much... Not too little. Now." Luna snapped her eyes open and ran at the tree, successfully climbing to a branch, as did Sakura.

Sakura smiled, "Great job, Luna~!" She chirped happily, happy that her friend has made it up on the 4th try.

Luna smiled, "Arigato for your support, Sakura-Chan. It is highly appreciated."

"No problem!"


Sasuke got an irk mark when Naruto refused to give him tips.

"Sasuke-Kun. Do you need any help?" Luna gave him a closed eyed smile. 

Luna let Sakura  go guard Tazuna.

Pink dusted Sasuke's cheek, "Y-Yes..." He muttered lowly.

Naruto started to laugh, "Haha! Not so mighty now, huh, Sasuke! Haha!"

"All right, Sasuke-Kun. First, you need to channel chakra into your feet. Then, you need to make sure that  you don't have too much chakra. You're  putting to much chakra, Sasuke-Kun. Naruto-Kun, you're putting too little." Luna smiled. Though, the smile wasn't as  happier, or prettier than the one last night, no one seemed to notice.

Sasuke nodded and went to work.

As did Naruto.


Luna drank her soup, while the two boys wolfed their soups down,  "Gomen for the way they are eating, Tsunami-San, Tazuna-San. I am merely ashamed that they are wolfing the food down. I also merely offended to that." Luna bowed her head slightly.

Everyone's eyes were on the small girl.

"Why would you feel offended to that?" Naruto asked, after he put the bowl down.

Kakashi and Sakura snickered slightly, seeing as they were the only people who get what she meant.

Luna got a slight irk mark, "For one, you guys are wolfing down the food, correct? So, I am ashamed of your behavior. Second, you are wolfing down the food, as I said several times, and I am part wolf, thank you very much." Her tail wagged inside her cloak.

Naruto had the biggest question  mark above his head.

"Let me show you." Luna sighed and stood up.

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