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~~"Babe, wake up, are you okay? please wake up!!!"

"Babe?" I'm feeling dizzy, I can't remember what happened, all I know is we are in a resto and then suddenly there's an explosion. I'm looking on his worried face and saw something from above that will fall right at us.

-alarm ringing-

MJ reached for the alarm clock then shut it down, somehow she's thankful to the alarm clock because it woke her up from a dream she want to forget.

She stand up and start preparing, today is her job interview so she try her best to look good.

-phone rings-

"Hi" MJ answered.

"hey MJ, are you ready? are you nervous? don't worry you can do it!" Alie said cheering for MJ.

"yeah, i'm all ready, thank you and don't worry about me okay?" MJ answered.

"okay okay, I'm just checking on you. Anyway, good luck"

"Thank you, I have to go, bye!"

"okay bye"

MJ then headed out of her house and grab a taxi.

MJ arrived in the shopping mall near the company she's applying for. She decides to buy coffee on a cafe for her breakfast.

"What's your order ma'am" said by a lady smiling at MJ

"One tall size iced americano please." MJ answered

After a while the lady handed the coffee to MJ, she then headed out. On her way out, she noticed a wallet on the floor. She decide to pick it up and surrender it to the cashier thinking that the owner of the wallet is one of the customer. After explaining it to the cashier she go outside and find somewhere to sit.

"Your order sir?" the lady asked.

"one americano please, grande." the handsome man answered while searching for his wallet but he can't find it.

"one moment miss, I think I forgot my wallet on my car, I'm so sorry." the man explained.

While the man is heading out of the cafe, one of the staff announced that they have found a wallet, and asked to approach them.

The man quickly approach the staff and asked for the wallet, but the staff need to verify if the wallet really belongs to that man.

"before we give it to you sir, may I know your name and please describe the wallet" the staff explained.

"okay I understand. I'm Mark James Cruz, and my wallet is a custom design wallet, it has my initials, MJC."

"okay Sir, you got it." the staff handed the wallet to Mark

"thank you very much, where did you find it?" he asked

"actually sir, one of our customer found your wallet on the floor near the entrance, she just surrender it to us." the staff answered.

"I see, is she still here? I would like to thank her."

"oh, she's the girl wearing a white dress with blue blazer sitting outside Sir." the staff pointed out

"okay, thank you, oh right, I have to order." he then run to the counter to order coffee and a slice of cake.

-sit outside the cafe-

"excuse me miss, may I sit here?" Mark asked

"hmm, okay." MJ was flustered by the sudden appearance of Mark, she couldn't help but space out.

"please don't misunderstand Miss, I'm not a bad person, I just want to thank you for surrendering my wallet, please have this cake." Mark explained immediately because he notice the flustered face of MJ.

After hearing what Mark said, MJ came back to her senses and said "no, it's okay sir, besides it is the right thing to do, you don't have to thank me."

"but I really want to thank you, not anyone now would do that, you know." Mark demanded.

"okay sir, I appreciate your gratitude, but I can't have the cake because I have to go now, I can't be late for my interview. I'm sorry." then she stand up and start walking.

"oh my, she rejected my cake, I think she's not ordinary." Mark said with a smile on his face.

Rejected CakeWhere stories live. Discover now