I am 19 years old and I going to college. I am scared because of my new schedule but I should be okay since this is my second year of college. I go to University of Northern Colorado and I am getting my master's for elementary education. This college isn't so far but it's not so close either from home. The drive from my house is 1 to 1 and a half hour, depending on traffic. When I was up there, I found out that I was going to be a older sister once more. I was so excited for my mom so I decided that I was going to go back home for the summer and spend time with my family and help my mom out with the baby things. I had plans in mind for the summer with some friends. We were going to go on a road trip and we were going to go hiking. The biggest plan that I was looking forward to was going to Spain. It was going to be my first time, but I guess it would have to wait.
So right now, I am just getting my things ready to go to Greeley. I am planning to go in my dorm and organize it and design it so when I go back, I would not worry about it not being ready. Oh, and I was also going to hang out with some college friends in a cafe tomorrow after I was done.
Mom: Hey, Natalia Helen Chavez. I need to talk to you.
Me: Sure, mom. I would be there in one second. I just have to put this in one of the boxes.
I didn't have to pack much but I was going to get a bigger dorm. Well, I was going to move in an apartment with my best friend, Fernanda. So I need some things.
Me: Yes, mom?
Mom: I need you to sit down please. I really need to tell you thing really important.
Me: *taking a sit* Sure, mom. What is it?
Mom: Well, your father and I were talking last night and we were thinking that we should give you your sister and you would have to raise it like your own.
Me: Wait, what? Why? You know that I want to become a teacher, why do you just telling me this all of the sudden? Last night, I told you that I was going to help you when you need it. That I was going to come down when you really need me to. Why? We start school in August.
Mom: I don't know what you are going to do. I just don't think that we are capable of raising other child. Your dad and I don't have the patience we had when you guys were born.
Me: But you were capable of getting pregnant right? You know what, mom? I have to finish packing and I have to run some errands. I might be back in a few hours.
I grabbed my keys and went to my car. I got a 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee. This car is a most because when it snows in Greeley, the roads get pretty bad. What I also like about this car is that the seats are lathered so I don't have to worry about getting stains on the seats. Oh, and this car has a really good bass for music, so when I am stressed out I just blast music. I just couldn't think why would my parents would do this to their own daughter. My parents used to say that family always sticks together. But why can't they keep my baby sister? My dad is a businessman and my mom is a stay at home mom so why can't they keep her? All these questions were running through my head. I really need a break from all this. Probably my parents are just testing me on what would I say if someone else were to tell me this? I don't know.
I decided to go to The Yogurt Brothers after driving around for at least half an hour. I got some frozen yogurt. When I was at the frozen yogurt place, I got a text message from Fernanda (I am going be saying Fer or Fernanda throughout the book).
Fer💞: Hey, honeyboo. Daniella and I are heading towards Estes Park, do you want to come with us? And if so, do you want us to go pick you up?
Me: Hey, love bug. Sure. I would prefer to drive myself. There is nothing against anyone but I am going to visit my best friend, Dave at Boulder. So I would just stop on the way there.
Fer💞: Oh, yeah. I forgot that you guys had to talk about what was going to happen to the house that you are building for your parents in Mexico.
Me: Talking about my parents, umm... There is something that I need to tell you guys but I want it to wait until I figure out what is going on in my life.
Fer💞: Okay. Well, umm... That doesn't sound so good, but we are here to listen to you whenever you want to.
Me: Thanks. I would see there in about 2 hours.
Fer💞: Okay sounds good.😘
Well, guys. Thank you for reading this chapter. There are more updates farther on but I don't want to settle an official date since sometimes I am pretty busy with work and with school. I have a lot planned for this book. If you have any suggestions, you could always message me. Love you lots. Bye!
Do dreams come true?
Genç KurguNatalia once had a dream and she never wanted that dream to come true because it would cause family problems. But what if two years later, her dream does come true? Would she find her true love just like in the dream and would she be a great mom?