I'm not Perrie!!

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Soooooo...hey I'm kinda like annoyed with everyone calling me Perrie, I mean my name is Tara. I am 16 and I am originally from New Zealand, I moved to London when I was 6 so 10 years ago. I am a youtuber I do videos and stuff with my friends while we are at school and we live together, 4 guys and 2 girls. We are kinda like brothers and sisters because we don't have families, they died in accidents or we were orphans, I am one of the orphans and Zack is the other orphan he is 18 and he pretty much takes care of all of us, we are all pretty much the same, we look out for eachother and tell eachother everything. So Zack, is the oldest, then Andy is 17, Max is 17 aswell and then Cameron, she is 16 like me and recently Edward who is 16 moved in. Today it was the last day of school so we decided to pull a prank on the teachers, over half the school watched our videos and were following us on twitter, instagram and youtube so they new our plans and wanted to help us, we were in the popular crowd, and we tried to be like everyone else but that didn't really work because everyone would follow us around. Anyway, for the prank we were gonna do a school water fight at the end of the day, which worked out well, at lunch time people went into bathrooms and filled water balloons and put them in buckets and then went and put them on the soccer field, and some buckets were filled with water with sponges in them, it was a hot sunny day so it was pretty much the perfect time for it. After the bell rang signaling the end of lunch we asked the teachers to follow us outside for a surprise, we had cameras set up and water proof cameras all over the place. All the students were standing in big groups, we went around and pressed record on each camera and I shouted "EVERYONE READY?! GOOOOOOO!!!!" and everyone started screaming and throwing water balloons and sponges everywhere, the teachers thought it was hilarious and joined in. Pretty soon everyone was soaked and running around throwing water at eachother. This was an amazing way to spend our last day of school. Gosh it was so much fun! We went right up until the bell rung and everyone had a massive group hug and everyone said goodbye to the cameras.we said our sign off goodbye to the camera and a few people ran up and made faces and did silly stuff in front of it. We collected up all our cameras and headed home to start editing, all we really did was speed it up so you could see the whole thing but it was just fast. We uploaded it and then tweeted about it. We celebrated that night by having follow sprees and things like that, I decided to check how much subscribers we had on youtube, I couldn't believe it, we had just over 5million subscribers!! We made a video thanking everyone and then we decided to relax and watch a few movies. (A/N hey! If anyone even reads this thankyou! It means alot! This is my first story and yeah please tell me what you think about it and thankyou again)

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