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sorry to keep y'all waiting but the part 2... is going to be given soon. eheheh, sorry for getting y'all hopes up XD

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I lightly push away, out of breath.

He frowns at the space between us and I roll my eyes. "We might get out of control and besides, I got this thing where marriage first before sex." I bluntly state.

He pouts cutely and I quickly peck it and push away. 

"Well then, we'll have to be patient about it." says Natsu. He then quickly whispers into my ear, "Then I'll have all of you."

I blush beet red and he chuckles, pulling back. "I'll make sure of it, Lucy."

I cover my ears, letting my hair cover my cheeks. "La-la-la! Okay, I get it, La-la-la!" I yell out, trying to cover up my state.

He chuckles and stands up, walking over to the lavatory. He stops by the door, leaning his head on the door frame.

"You know what Lucy?" he questions. He looks at me for a moment, "God knows what I would've done if you hadn't pulled away from the kiss." 

I blush again and look away.

"I need a cold bath.." he murmurs, walking into the bathroom and shutting it behind him.

I sigh and relax, covering my face with my hands.

"Oh my nuggets.." 

I adjust myself as I sit on the chair, propping my elbow on the table and placing my chin on my hand.

"What are you doing?" questions Natsu.

Without looking at him, I adjust my glasses on my nose and answer my math homework.

"I'm doing homework, it's been piling up and It's due tomorrow." I reply, mentally solving the questions.

"Boring." I roll my eyes at his childish remark and ignore him, trying to finish up.

I hear him walk as his footsteps were pretty loud. I felt his presence right behind me and I he began to lean forward, placing his head on my shoulder as he was looking at what I was doing.

"Are you almost done?" he questions.

"Nope, I have to finish two more pages of Maths and some other homework I don't know anymore." I respond, finishing up the last of the first page.

"How about we do something fun?" suggests Natsu. 

"No can do, I have to finish this." I say, flipping the page over to the next.

Wordlessly, I felt his lips on my neck, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses.

I gasp unintentionally and turn to face him so he'd stop, "Natsu! Seriously?" I scold, scowling.

He cheekily smirks and leans in quickly, pecking my lips and pulls back.

"Natsu!" I scold again, beet red.

"What?" he innocently states.

I glare at him even though it was pretty difficult since I was blushing. "Ugh, just go sit your ass down like a good boy you are." I say, turning around to continue my work.

Thinking he'd listen considering he wasn't doing anything, I focus back on the task at hand. 

All of a sudden, I feel his hands on my sides as he resumes kissing my neck.

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