Mercy #2

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Negan's POV~~

God what is that girl doing to me. I should've just killed her then when she said that to me. I couldn't she's too god damn different. She's better than my wives.

I walked down endless hallways, trying to clear my head. It wasn't working I couldn't get her out of my head. The only way I could calm down was to go back to her. Maybe just maybe she would apologize. I know I can be a dick, but when people point it out it pisses me off.

I end up going back to my place. Stopping at the door a few seconds before opening it. I walked towards the bedroom only to find her sleeping. I walked closer only to see that she was crying again. Oh god I hate seeing her cry. I slowly take off my jacket and set it down. I scoot under the covers just so that I could be near her.

I reached over and wiped off a tear that was making its way down her face. I gently scooped her up and set her in my lap. Trying to comfort her from her nightmares. I knew she wouldn't want it especially from me, but I wanted to at least try.

Your POV~~

Nightmares bombarded me. I didn't want to even sleep they were so bad. Once again here I was finally waking up from a nightmare, but this was new. Someone was holding me in their arms. Making patterns on my back. I opened my eyes only to see Negan, but something was different. I didn't feel the hatred in my heart. Instead something different that I couldn't quite put my finger on.
"I'm sorry for what I said. I shouldn't have said it."
"No it's okay. I know I can be a complete asshole sometimes."
I smiled a little and rested my head on his shoulder. Just looking over his features once again.
"Damn y/n I think you do have a staring problem."
He smirked a little. Then continued,
"See anything you like?"
"Hm maybe, maybe not."
You said and smirked back.

He gently put his hand on your cheek. You couldn't help, but lean into his touch. You got lost in his eyes. You could tell he has been hurt a lot in his past, but he has also hurt a lot of people. You know how bad he could hurt you. You couldn't help, but trust him enough that he would never do that to you.

He slowly leaned in his lips brushing yours. A slow and passionate kiss. It ended all too soon for your liking.
"Do you think you wanna get mixed up with a broken man like me?"
"Negan I'm broken too, but we can help piece each other back together."
"Wow I got myself a little poet here."
"Shut up."
You said while playfully pushing his shoulder. He smiled down at you like he has to no one else before. The love you felt for you almost hurt him to be away from you for only a second. This is how you always wanted it to be. Just Negan and you just talking, not having to be scared at him.

Little did you know Negan made a promise to himself that night. To never ever hurt you.

The Next Day~~

You woke up to see a pair of eyes staring back at you. You smile a little and say,
"I think someone else has a staring problem too."
"Must've caught on from you."
He sassed back. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer. You had mixed emotions about all of this. You knew it was wrong to love this man because of what he had done to your group. He killed one of your best friends and then took you away from all of them.

Then you feel like you love him because of the way he makes you feel and the way he treats you. He could do anything to you at any moment, but you knew he wouldn't. Just something tells you he wouldn't do that. That scared you a little because you were never one to trust your "gut feeling". I guess first time for everything right?


Wow the end was like really crappy I know, but I had no idea how to end it so there ya go😂

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