Love is the illusion

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I entered facebook this morning and I saw something that caught my mind.  There was a photo and at the description it said: “pain is an illusion”. I must disagree on that. I always thought and I still think that love is the illusion while pain is one of the few real things. Love doesn’t really exist. It’s all an illusion. There are things such as caring, worrying, attachment and all these things create the illusion of love. Of course there is that kind of love for family.  And that’s real. “Love is blind”, who said that was so right. Love itself is not blind, but its illusion makes us blind. Everyone enjoys the taught they are in love. We all gonna find a person that it becomes so dear to us that in every situation will first think of that person. But that’s not love. Love is perfect. We can find talking about it in the Bible, too. In the letters to Corithians there is a whole chapter dedicated to what love is. Only God is able to truly love. What we feel as humans is just an illusion of what we want to feel. Getting back to my first idea, in the time that “love” makes us take decision throw our feelings and ignore things that shouldn’t be ignored, pain is real. It makes us see things as they are, it wakes up to reality. Pain is so good if you look at it in the right way. It makes us stronger.  There is a song by Three Days Grace (I don’t know if you know this band) called Pain. As it says in the song when we are aiming to feel anything at all there is pain. It’s always there. Pain defines all of us, even if we admit it or not.  

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