This is me

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Tammi's POV

Ah I love my life. Hahahaha. Ok so here it goes I'm Tammi and I am 1000 years old. I got turned when I was 14 but I look like I'm 16. I have 9 brothers that I hate with passion. I love myself.

See cause the world is about me, myself and I. Well I figured that if everyone I've ever loved back-stabbed me I should back stab them.

Like don't get me wrong I have my followers. followers meaning the whole vampire race. If they don't follow my know the queens with there heads.

Ah my life is so much fun it's like a game. Well your probably thinking why are you so mean well I don't have any humanity left. lol.

Ok well today is the first day of school yay. I'm going into year 10 for the 500th time. I came to this school in year 8 so I'm pretty popular. I have a vampire clang at the school.

I'm obviously the leader and head cheerleader. I'm also the captain of the hockey team, baseball team, cricket team, soccer team and I'm also the head of the drama club.

Just cause I'm Kool doesn't mean I can't participate in everything.

My brothers don't attend school. it's a shame cause I'll kill anyone there in love with. No I'm not evil at all.....note the sarcasm.

This school is mostly filled with vampires. They have to tell me all the gossip about what's going on and if there is a new kid.

Ok well I better get ready for school


30mins later

Ok I had a shower and I put on some blue short shorts and a black crop top.

I looked at the time 9:40am ahh 1hr 10mins late. I better get going. see I don't really care what time I get to school. I love pissing off the teachers.

I walked down stairs and I hate my brothers but for some reason they still live with me. Something about that we need to find a mate and my mate will bring my humanity back. Blah blah blah blah. like whatever. See my brothers haven't found there mates and I don't want to find my mate if they are going to change me. I was changed once and I became like this I'm not changing again!

I walked into the kitchen to see all my brothers talking. They're probably talking about me again.

"Bad morning to you brothers. I hope you have a terrible day and I hope you feel like crap." that's my good morning speech I say something like that every morning.

"Good morning Tammi. As we say every morning we know your humanity's off so are let off the hook for saying that but I don't think we can deal with you treating us like this any longer!" my brother Larry said.

"If you don't like it lump it. See you later losers! As I say every morning I hope you die in a hole and I hope you're gone before sunset but you never seen to leave. lol. got to go to school! love you!"

Just tricking I don't love anyone!

"Haha you should've seen your faces. As I've told you before my humanities gone and is never coming back. hate you all mother truckers!!!!"

that's more myself haha.


Hello peps lol hope you like it lol

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