Wait! Who are they?

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Tammi's POV

Ahhhhhh finally at school. I check the time on my phone. 10:30am. Lol. I made it in time for recess. Hahahaha let's see what boy I'll kiss today. Cause after all no human can resist a vampires kiss. Ok well if they're wearing vervain (A plant that let's humans not have they're mind contorted by vampires. Also if they drink it vampires can't drink there blood) then I'm screwed.

I make my way towards the oval were all my friends and I hang out. You're probably thinking doesn't the sun kill you. Nope. I have a special sun ring that protects me from the sun. If anyone asks I just say it was a gift from my mother before she died.

I finally made it to the oval and I see my best friend Sam. Sam has no humanity either. Sam starts running towards me. I laugh as she fails to make a dramatic moment. She drops on the ground on her two knees just in front of me. She grabs my two hands and stares into my eyes dramatically. I stare back dramatically while we are trying to keep in a laugh. Are other friends seem to have failed at keeping there laughs in.

"Oh my Tammi. My sweet sweet Tammi. I have missed you. With all of my dead un-beating stone cold heart. How I wish that I have humanity so all these thing I say could actually be true. Oh my Tammi" Sam says very dramatically I think she should be an actor.

I reply with "oh my Sam. I'm so sorry but there is another" I pause while Sam and the others fake gasp. "He is so spicy that I had to choose him over you. I'm sorry but we are in love and are due to my married next week" I wipe away my fake tears while Sam runs over to her boyfriend/mate Luke.

Sam fake cries into his shoulder. "Luke she choose Mr spicy over me how could she......she hurt my non existing feelings" she says as she fake sobs.

Then we all start laugh like mad men while everyone else on the oval looked at us. I looked at them and yell "What are you looking at!!!" They all stared at me wide eyed and went back to there own conversations. That what I thought!

I turn back around to my friends. Ok so that me tell you there names.

Ellie: she has blonde hair she's human.

Michel: he has brown hair he's a vampire.

Luke: he has blonde hair he's a vampire and is Sams mate.

Sam: brown curly hair she's a vampire.

Paul: brown hair he's a human and is Janes mate.

Jane: Jane's a vampire too

Austin: blondish brown hair. Vampire. I like Austin as much a vampire with out feelings can but I don't love him cause his not my mate and also cause I don't have a heart.

Kelly: blue hair. She's our blood bag but we use mind control to make her forget.

Everyone else at this school are my minions. They tell me everything that goes on at the school. Half of them are vampires and half of them are humans. But the humans are slowly becoming extinct at my school.

There's the bell I better get to class!........NOT!



I use my vampire speed to get to my seat in the cafeteria. All my friends slowly make there why to our table. We all have a our own conversations and I flirt with Austin. Ahhhhhh Austin your so hot. Like I could make a steak on his face. Now Austin's boring me. See Austin is new to our group and his a new vampire which makes him more annoying at times.

I'm now talking to Ellie. Ellie is telling me about this guy she saw today and she thinks his the one for her. I told her she's crazy because she thinks everyone is the on for her. Bloody crazy byotch.

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