Chapter One: The Encounter

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The Box had stood there for years, ever since i could remember, just staniding there, not doing anything, just standing there gathering dust. I used to use it as a play thing when i was little, no one would tell me off.

Everything changed one day, the day the metal me arived on our streets, and the day the box dissapered;

I had been sitting on the pavement waiting by the old blue box for the cab, it was late... really late, where was that cab? I was still waiting when suddenly, the box behind me was gone it had vannished into thin air. Where could this box have gone, it had been there for decades, my mum had played with this thing with her friends when she was little. The cab arived at last but i just couldnt get my  head around how it had just vannished, almost like magic.

The box didnt return for several days.

 About a week later I went shopping with mum, thats when it started getting weird........

 Mum screamed up the stairs and yelled at me, again.

"Anna, come on your fathers not going to wait forever, you either hurry up or we wont go into london today"

Thats Me Anna, im 16 years old, I live with my mum and dad in a flat in Kingston, just a normal teenager ,normal life.

"Anna for the last time HURRY up!"

"Im comming mum!" I yelled back, running down the stairs.

I ran and almost jumped into the backseat of the car

" So you finnialy decided to leave the flat did you" said dad mockingly, I gave him one of my looks that made him laugh, we drove to london, it was a saturday which ment the market was on in Covert Garden, I loved going there as a little kid.

Mum and dad went off to look at stalls while i walked around, enjoying the sound of people busy at work, the shoppers, the sound of dozens  of feet walking along the cobels. There was anouther sound, a harsh metalic unformilar sound like the sound of an army in metal boots, what was it?

There was anouther sound now, the screams of the people around me, stalls being bowled over and smashed under hurried feet, the metal men were destroying everything in their path, grabing at people shocking them until they were lifeless on the ground. In amoungst the screaming people, the Blue Box appered and out of the box came a man, tall and old, I saw him and new he could help, I ran to the blue box as fast as my legs could carry me. All around me were these metal men, I had to get out of here, to the saftey of the blue box.

In the doorway I saw somthing that shocked me, it was just an ordinary old phone box... how could it be bigger on the inside, wait no.. was it smaller on the outside, the door slamed behind me the pandimonium shutt out inside the box the man turned to me with a look of shock

"Who are you?" he said shocked

"Im Anna, who are you?" this couldnt be happening.

"I asked you first" He said, he sounded kind of scottish but i couldnt place it.

"Im the doctor, this is the Tardis, how did you see the tardis, i had the shields up no one should have been able to see it"

"Ive always seen it, everyday since i was a little girl, on the corner of my street it was always there then one day it wasnt, you took it away didnt you, why'd you take it hows it smaller on the outside?" I was so confused, it was just a blue box.

Only a Box

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