Chapter Three: A boy and his Dog

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The Doctor was looking down at him, I peered over his shoulder

"Is he going to be ok he looks kinda pale"

"Its normal, hes just had a slight shock that's all, help me sit him up rite and can you please remove this dog from under my feet please.

The doctor moved Percy, as i picked up the dog, holding her in my arms.

"So is this why you have people travel with you then, so they can fetch you coffee and move things for you? Is that why I'm here"

"You came to me dont forget that Anna"

I gave him a glare, Percy sat up and rubbed his head

"Where am I" he murmured sleepily

"This is going to soud weird but your in a phone box that's really a spaceship that travels in time and in space, your dogs here too.." I put Tipsy back down on Percy's knees and sat down beside him.

"How are you feeling?" I said looking at him nervously

"Im ok my head hurts and, i think i may be halucanating, we were all in the park, where are we now?"

"Its hard to explain"

"Oh umm ok then, so what are we doing here anyway?"

I looked at the doctor with raised eyebrows,

"ok then mr time lord whats the plan? You want to hunt metal aliens, as long as my parents are safe im in. What about you Percy? You going t come with us, fight some bad guys, save the world?"

Percy looked like we were both barking mad

"Both of you, are crazy, im leaving now, come on Tipsy, we are out of here."

He walked towards the door and opened it, but to both our shock the park wasnt there, we were floating... hovering in the air.

In space.

My heart was racing, and i couldnt help but smile at the doctor, my adventure here it was staring me in the face, I moved over to Percy standing in the door way gazing out at the world around us, taking in what we saw, saying nothing. Then A phone rang.

The Doctor answered.

"Its not possible I would have picked up the signal.... How could you not have...... How long do we have? We're on our way." He put down the receiver, with a click of his fingers the door closed,

"Buckle up kids, we've got a job to do" he looked as if he did this for sport, but the adrenaline in me was kicking in, I couldn't help feeling slightly excited, hoping that my parents were ok, that it was all going to be ok in the end, hoping,

Percy, was convinced we wernt crazy and spoke for the first time breaking a period of silence as the doctor fired the Tardis back up

"So how do we fight these metal Cybermen things? Theres 3 of us, and probobily hundreds of them"

"Thats why we have Unit" said the doctor with a cheeky wink and with that and a pul of a lever we were off, hurtaling through space, back to earth, to the base of Unit, where our adventures really began......

End Of Chapter Three

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