Chapter 13

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She let him lead her out of the lobby by the hand, his grip firmly wrapped around her shaking fingers, their rushed footsteps echoing all throughout the cave so loudly Regine was sure the other boys and Jane would have no trouble hearing their escape. Struggling to keep up with David's long strides, she picked up the pace as best she could and skipped to his side, her breath shallow from the sudden burst of vigorous movement mixed with the release of raw adrenaline coursing through her veins. Her head was spinning again, the pot giving her a paranoid edge she most certainly was not enjoying as they climbed up the dark, misty stairwell that seemed like it would give underneath their weight at any second. It was a wonder David could even see a few inches in front of his face because, without help from the burning fire pits that had surrounded the lobby, Regine was downright visionless in the pitched black cavern.

Using her free hand to graze the cold roughness of the jagged wall next to her, she let her fingers glide over every depression and hollow of the rocky surface in an effort to keep her balance as she closely followed David. A thick drop of saltwater fell from above her head, landing on the tip of her nose and causing her to flinch in surprise. Travelling deeper and deeper into the cave, Regine was growing more jittery with every step, the exhilaration and confusion of disappearing into a cave with David now starting to feel more like an adventure and less like an anxiety-riddled obstacle to run away from.

Without being able to explain why, Regine felt oddly safe whenever David was around, especially with his hand intertwined tightly with hers in the dark. Anything could've gone wrong in that moment – the rocky tunnel they were walking through could begin to close in or a monster could come out of the shadows thirsty for blood – and Regine would barely bat an eyelash so long as David was by her side. He did scare her at times, the intensity and power dwelling in those blue eyes leading her to tread lightly whenever in is presence, but there was no denying that something within her was captivated by the small flicker of danger he brought to her cozy little life.

It might've been these pervasive thoughts spurring her actions or the intensifying high she was experiencing from Paul's weed, but the compelling need to feel his lips on hers was overpowering her senses as she reached forward and grabbed his shoulder, roughly whirling him around towards her. With the darkness leaving his expression unreadable, Regine felt around his chest until reaching the wool lapels, which were folded up around his neck, and drew him down with swift urgency. At first he didn't respond, lips frozen and shoulders ramrod straight, and Regine felt her stomach drop, convinced she had made a terrible mistake trying to be fun and spontaneous. It wasn't until he broke the kiss and stepped away from her that she heard the two bottles he had been holding hit the ground and roll down the cavern, his rapid movements making her shiver.

"I'm sorry, did you need something?" His voice was closer than she expected, but not close enough for her to reach forward to continue her advances.

Regine scowled even though she knew he couldn't see her face. "I was trying to be the impulsive one for once. That a problem?" she grumbled in annoyance, disguising her embarrassment as best she could.

His short laugh still somehow created a vibrating echo in the desolate cave.

"Not at all, please continue," he murmured with an expectant edge to his voice.

Regine was still bitter.

"Well now the moment is ruined, maybe I don't want to anymore," she snapped with a grimace, her voice very obviously betraying her feigned indifference.

In the blink of an eye, Regine heard the delicious sound of brisk footsteps coming towards her.

"Get over here," he growled and she felt an arm grab hers, tugging her forward so she was now pressed flush against him. Beating him to the punch, Regine weaved her hands through his hair at the base of his neck and yanked him down once again, only this time he reacted by molding his lips to her own in a frenzy.

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