
991 18 4
  • Dedicated to Liam Hemsworth

Liam (POV)

The girl that stood before me stared. Crap, this thing was all always awkward. On the first glance, she seemed very ordinary. Jeans, plain Tee, converse. Kind of cute actually. I instantly felt overly dressed in a Gucci men's suit with a matching tie.  Mr C was also wearing a suit but I still felt awkward, which was unusual for me. 

"You must be Amelia. Hi I am Liam Hemsworth. So great to met you, I have heard great things", was usually what I would say, but instead a different sentence came out.

"I'm Liam, and I recently broke up with Miley, so I'm single". 

Crap. Why did I just say that.

Amelia (POV)

Oooookkkkkk. That was creepy.

"I'm Amelia, I recently remembered I never had a boyfriend, so i'm off limits", that made no sense but oh well., it did the trick. He looked really embarrassed.

"Pardon me, I don't know where that came from", he spluttered.

"Oh I do, from your ass. Wait! That's your mouth! Oh my god!". Where did this come from I wonder.

"Pardon me, I'm sorry.", he looked ashamed. He looked adorable. 

"Mr C, you called me here, yet I have hardly heard a word from you", I wanted to direct the conversation away from me. No such luck.

"Because today is about you, and Liam's offer".

"Which is?".

"To be your mentor in the acting business and help you get along by offering you jobs and helping you get them". Liam looked up, and smiled softly. God. I'm ... not ... falling ... for... Damn. I fell.

Literally. I had stepped forward and tripped on the carpet. My books and stuff fell everywhere, but I focus on that. Instead I looked straight into Liam's eyes. I had to look up at him and heard my neck crack.

"You, Liam Hemsworth, brother of Thor, are offering me, beginner wannabe, a job?", I was stunned. At this he smiled.

"And hopefully many more jobs", he said with a laugh. A dead sexy laugh.

"Well I hope you are a better mentor than Haymitch", I joked. He laughed again. Angels sing.

"Hopefully way better. Talking about the Hunger Games, that's what I would like to talk to you about. How would you like to be in Mockingjay part 2?".

I love my life.

Hi guys, hoped you liked it! sorry it took so long, but yeah, there it is! Please keep reading, comment or vote for my story as well i love to heard your thoughts! Ruby xx

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