Today I Stand Before You

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Today I stand before you as a slowly recovering doormat. I stand before you with my "WELCOME" worn out, overused and abused. I stand before you unable to leave my position while you can freely move about. I stand before you, in front of the door but I am unable to go through it.

I have been rained on, burnt by the sun. I have been cold and I have been dry too; lacking life and lustre. I have swept countless things under me, hidden them from those who do not care to look. I have stayed in the dark and I have been in the shadows, going unnoticed. I have let you bear your weight on me, absorbed the dirt you wiped on and I was even grateful that you were giving me something. I was always there for you but when I needed someone to pick me up and dust me off, you didn't even look my way and for that I resented you.

For too long, I let my worth be decided upon by you. For too long, I blamed you for putting me where I remained stagnant but I now realise that you don't get to decide. I am letting the boundaries that were once pressed down by your feet, spring back up; I had let my protective exterior be softened because anyone was free to trample over me. I used to think I was nice, a generous person. I didn't even realise I was a doormat until one day, you left the door open and inside I saw something that I was not, what I wished to be: filled with purpose.

I could be the walls that hang admirable artwork. I could be the flowers that bring life into a home or the windows that let light shine through but I was set on no longer being a doormat.

So today I stand before you knowing I have power over my life, I stand before you knowing and finally realising, I am enough.

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