Ever walked through a wall?

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I have... The first time it happened was when I was seven years old I believe, I can't recall any similar happenings before this one and I'd assume that if my parents noticed me do anything like it, they would say "you used to just walk through your crib walls when you were a baby!" or something like that, actually (now that I think about it) it wouldn't be "walk", instead it would be "crawl" because I was a baby and to my knowledge babies can't walk... unless it was the late stages of my babyhood(early toddler)... never-the-less. point is that the first time I realised I had this power was seven years of age when I fell out of my school during lunch break. I was running around not really caring about anything (as you do when you're only seven) suddenly I tripped over head first into the fence that stands on the perimeter of the school's area. Before I realised it I was already on the other side of the fence mostly unharmed, but having fallen onto the floor that was to be expected. Even if there were no injuries I still remember exactly how it felt the first time I experienced it, Going through the fence, it was gut wrenching as if my entire body were warping and splitting apart then quickly rejoining itself back to the other parts that it had slipped from. The best thing that I can compare it to is probably like a papercut, you feel the cut happen and then the sting afterwards. I called for help before realising that my clothes had come off during my "slip", I quickly grabbed my clothes that were on the other side of the fence and put them on before a teacher arrived to investigate my cries for help. For some reason, I think I knew instinctively to not let people know about what actually happened, partly because I myself didn't know what happened and I was scared, so I made some excuse that I wanted to go home and then realised that I didn't know the way or something.

       I was told off.

Skip forward a couple of years and now we're here...with me, meshed into the side of a building twenty stories up and very cold. You see, I don't want to be here in all seriousness; this is a very bad situation, on the side of the wall where my arse is, is a madman threatening to slice me up so that they can experiment on me. And on the other side (my top half) is a very long drop to the cold and hard ground. I'm asking myself how I got here and thinking through what I could've done differently so that I didn't end up in this situation. But rather than thinking of the past I should really be thinking about how to get out of this predicament that I'm in, I could slip back into the building and sneak out? No, He knows that I would try that and stop me somehow like he managed to trap me like this... think Steven think!... THATS IT!!! I can slip through the wall onto the outside and fall to the ground, but Just before I hit the ground I slip into the ground to soften the impact and then "crawl" out. I like this plan, one problem is that I've never done such a risky thing before and even though I can think about it doesn't mean that I can do it. Sadly though the choices are rather limited at this stage and so is time meaning that it's either jumping out the building, getting cut up or something else that I can think of in a very short time span; He seems about ready to start on his side. I brace myself and then push out with my arms letting my legs follow through the wall of the building after my body. ok, I'm falling now how long do I have, not that long, almost at the bottom. almost..almost...NOW! I scream at myself and then prepare to slip. I do and I merge with the ground becoming the concrete that people walk on to get from one place to the other. I rearrange my human parts and form them together at the surface shortly followed by my conscience or soul(whatever you want to call it) into my lifeless body, I wake up in my body get up and start running ignorant of the fact that I'm stark naked sprinting through the streets, adrenaline from the fall still coursing through me, the pain of my body having just smashed apart and put back together again the back of my mind.

        I got away.

Now, I know that there haven't been many answers to a lot of the questions that have been brought forth but they will come, I just don't know when.  

Thank you for reading it if you did get this far even if you didn't enjoy it and best of luck in all of your future endeavours.

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