Chapter 12: Monster

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(A/N: Killing our memories nightcore)

As i walked back to HQ, i heard the little kid's voice in my head... Monster! Monster! Maybe i were a monster, i am different after all. I moved my wings so i could see them, i touched my blue wing. Maybe the kid is right, i am a monster. Look at these wings, freedom they say. More like freak wings. I sighed, and continued walking. I looked up at the sky, seeing birds flying by. That's what real beauty is, i thought. They were born to have wings, and not.... a monster.

I sighed and got inside of HQ... everyone yelled or talked about something... just another day right? Dad talked with Hanji about something. It was kind of odd, dad never talks to Hanji unless she have tried to stick a needle in my arm.

I walked over towards Eren and Jean. They were at it again, fitting about something. As I were closer to them, they looked at me and stopped fighting.. So that's what I am good at? People looking at me because I'm weird? Well thanks I guess.. why do I even have all these stupid thoughts... I sat down beside Eren. They looked at me worried.

,,What's wrong birdie?" Jean asked.

,,Nothing" I answered.

,,Don't lie to us Y/N it's not that hard to see that you are sad" Eren said.

,,Actualy I didn't lie to you, but only to Jean" I said, and rested my head on the table.

,,HEY!" Jean said.

,,But anyway why are you sad Y/N?" Eren asked.

,,I were in town..." I said.

,,I think I know where this is going" Jean said.

,,Y-You do?!" I asked shocked.

,,Yes you were on a date with a guy, Levi found out and killed the guy of your dreams" Jean explained.

,,Eh no" I said, Eren sighing in relif.

,,I helped these kids but..." I trailed off.


I walked closer to the kids, taking a hold of the kid they were punching, and pushed it behind me. I looked at the kids, with a angry look. They looked at my jacket, and saw who I were. That I am a member of the survey corps. The kids fell down on they're butts, and looked scared.

,,Why are you punching that kid?!" I asked, angry.

,,S-Sorry mam" the kids said.

,,NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! YOU DON'T KNOW THE PAIN YOUR CAUSING THIS KID!" I yelled, as my wings came up in the air, revealing who I were.

,,It's a monster! Run!" The kids, yelled running away.

I sighed, a bit hurt from what the kids called me. I turned around and saw the little kid I saved in the eyes. I smiled.

,,It's ok, I'm not evil" I said, reaching my hand out to the kid.

,,No!" The kid yelled, and pushed my hand away.

,,Huh?" I asked.

,,M-Monster!" The kid yelled, running away.

-end of memory-

,,Y/N?" Eren asked concerned.

A tear had fallen out of my right eye and more came. I ignored it and whiped the tears away.

,,There were children punching another kid... I helped that kid when it saw my wings... and yelled monster" I answered.

,,Even though you saved the kid?" Jean asked.

,,Yes" I answered.

,,That is one stupid kid alright" Jean said.

That's when we heard footsteps, and Levi were in front of us...

,,1. Why were Y/N crying? 2. What stupid kid?" Levi asked serious.

Oh oh...

(Hey guys Mai here!!! I just wanted to say two things.. 1. I have a new Q&A + request book!! So if you have any ideas or something you want to happen just write it in the comments there okey? 2. I wrote the whole thing on Danish so I needed to start over... that suck xD)

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