Tablet 1. The Proud Great Grandchild of Artemis

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He was Arrow, the great-grandchild of Artemis

Who was the Greek goddess of the Hunt, Forest, and Archery.

He was Arrow, the young archer of Athens,

Who was known in Greece for his great skill in archery and profound courage.

He was Arrow, who knew no other greater than he,

Who knew none in the land who could match his skill.

For, it was said that he had neither a mother nor father;

That he was formed from Artemis' gold tresses,

And put on the earth once he was able to walk.

He drew up an arrow and drew up a bow,

And shot all the beasts of the Forest Bleak.

All heard of his skill, asked of his name,

And haughtily he had said,

'I am Arrow.'

The old huntsman, Jonathan, took the child in,

And cared for the boy as if he were his own,

Until the time came to let the child go.

Arrow grew and grew with red hair and all;

Becoming both tall and strong,

Protecting Athens from all that was wrong.

His short red hair flashed when he walked before his friends,

With his green eyes glimmering, showing his pride.

His head was always held up high,

For he was the great grandchild of the hunting goddess.

No one dared to challenge him

And those who had tried were put to shame.

But they would boldly come up to him and say:

'Come o' Arrow, proud child of Artemis, Guardian of Athens,

Down to the riverbed in the Forest Bleak.

Let us see who can shoot the most wolves.'

And Arrow would pull out his bow and set up his arrows

Ready to put the challenger to shame.

With one arrow, he would shoot ten wolves.

With two arrows, he would kill the Lernaean Hydra.

With three arrows, he would demolish the whole Roman legion.

And word went around that he was the child of the hunting goddess.

* * *

The young archer spoke proudly amongst his friends

Of his great successes and past achievements.

And the trustworthy messenger of the city came to him saying:

'Young Arrow of Athens, I have traveled to Argos and back.

I bear some news that awaits your ears.

I have seen someone and observed them.

For Arrow, there IS another that is as great as you.'

At this, Arrow spoke his mind:

'Impossible, Wes! Your eyes must have failed you!

For there is not one in the whole of Greece who is greater than I.

Since my birth, no one has surpassed my well-being,

None has surpassed my strength and skill.'

The tired messenger of Athens tried again:

'But there is one, Arrow.

One who keeps a low status

And does not match your fame.

One who lays in Argos unknown.

One whom no one knows the name of;

One whose skill surpasses all in the land.'

The young archer raised his voice saying:

'There is none!'

And he walked away from the messenger

And away from where he was speaking amongst his friends.

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