Chapter 4- The Talk and LEAVE US ALONE

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                 "Thank the Devil! He's finally gone." I heard to my left. But I was NOT expecting to see what I saw when I turned my head. I saw a transparent man. He had brown curly hair, green eyes and was in an old jail uniform. So I did the only thing I could think to do in this situation, I screamed bloody murder. The only thing that happened was a large hand put over my mouth.

"Shhhhh Sammie. You have to be quiet, if your not they will here you. Shhhhhhh" He cooed in my ear, after I calmed down a bit he removed his hand slowly.

"Who are you?!?!" I screamed at him, he sighed then looked to make sure no one was coming to check on me. I heard what sounded like a door slam. Then the unknown male whisper something along the lines of "Thank you Lou" Who The Hec- Oh My God!!!!

"A-Are you H-Harry Styles?" I asked in a low whisper. He turned to look at me, nodded his head then smirked. That's when I freckled out abit. I was screaming and trying to open the doors. All the while Harry was trying to calm me down with soothing word like 'It's okay Sammie!! I'll never hurt you' or 'CALM DOWN THIS INSTENT OR I'LL FLIPPEN KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!!' Lets just say I was not very calm after the last one. He sighed and rested his left hand on my check. When ever I would try to pull away he would  simply pull me closer and hold my face harder.

"Now Sammie you and I need to have a little talk......"

                                                                      Jake P.O.V

         I hated doing that to her, but I had to. I have to protect her. She's like my sister. That..THING said Sammie was HIS. I've never been so scared in my life.



As we were doing the EVP we heard what sounded like one of the cell doors opening. So I went to see what it was that happened. As I walked out I heard Sammie gasp, I was just about to walk to her when I was grabbed and held in place. As I was trying to get out of the hold something whispered in my ear ,

"Sammie is HIS. Not yours and you better stay out of HIS way." Then I was released from the death hold. When I made it back to Sammie all I could focus on was the black mass behind her.

                                                                     ~End Of Flashback~

So that's way I left her in the van. I hope whoever HE is wont find her. That she will be safe in the van. Now me and Matt are investigating in the Main Hall. When all of a sudden the doors behind us where slammed shut.

"What the heck was that?" Matt asked, all I did was shrug my shoulders. The tempter dropped 20 degrease. What? Then all we heard was screaming. Like bloody murder, then nothing. 

"WHAT DID I SAY!!! SHE'S HIS, NOT YOURS!!!!!!!" Something screamed out, the wind picked up. My hair was being pulled at and my arms started to hurt and feel wet. I looked down only to see blood coming out of scratches on my arms. When I looked at Matt I saw the same thing happening to him, just not as bad. Thanks. Finally I had to stop this, so I screamed,

"LEAVE US ALONE!!!" And just like that it stopped. Then something whispered, "never". And with that I looked at Matt and we ran like our life depended on it. Which it most likely did. But anyway we ran out to base camp. They looked freaked out. Did they see it too? I hope we got that on camera. We all agreed we had all we needed so we packed up. When Matt and I got to the van we saw Sammie staring ahead of her not moving.... just looking. I looked at Matt.

"Hey Sammie. Sorry about leaving you in here, but you were safer." I said starting the van up. I looked over to see her head turn to the side looking at me directly in the eyes. Then she replied,

"You left her in the van thinking it would protect her? Really? I can get to her anywhere. In the van, her home, anywhere. I think you should keep your "helping" to your self. She's mine." She growled out. Well not her I think it's this HIM person. Matt looked freaked out, Sara looked scared.

"W-Who are you?" I asked. The thing smirked and chuckled and replied,
"My names Harry Styles. The people you encountered were my friends and there girls. Do you know how much it sucks to be the only one without a girl? They all had one, but me. Nope I was so lonely. But now I have Sammie. And I plan on keeping her. So don't do anything stupid. Don't try and keep her away from me. You honestly should have just listened to Lou, He's the one that told you to Stay. Away. From. My. Mate. Okay? Good. Now I will be leaving. Not really, you wont see me. But I will always be there. Go ahead and drive away. Sammie and I will be fin-" He was cut off from a phone rigging. Crap that's Sam's ring song, Sam's her ex-boyfriend, Harry looked at the text. And his/her eyes grew.

"Who ever this is better stop texting, what ever that thing is, Sammie. She's mine. Anyway I'm here so you need anything just ask." Then he/she leaned back and sighed

"By the way this is awesome. I wish we had these when I was alive." Then all of a sudden Sammie's body fell back and her eyes closed, her breathing became steady. She's asleep. I looked back at Matt and saw him trying to calm himself down.

"We're going to be okay, okay? Matt look at me we're going to be fine. Sammie's going to be fine." He looked up at me and nodded his head. I turned back to the road and started driving away, the whole time Sam was saying things like 'Why do I feel this way?' or 'Why are you doing this to me?' but mainly 'who would do this to my little sister.'

What is this Harry doing to her?


                                Hey, it's Sammie hope you like this chapter. Sorry all my chapters are always so short.


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