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     "We are receiving the coordinates from Master Kenobi." Commander Rex informed Anakin and Adi Gallia. They had recently boarded a ship and were on their way to Saleucami.

     "How close are you going to jump in next to Grievous' ship?" Adi questioned Anakin, as he was the pilot.

     "Hm...Pretty close." Anakin chuckled, before turning in his seat to look at the clone troopers behind them. "Buckle up, boys."

     "Define pretty close." Adi spoke, narrowing her eyes at the young man. Anakin was known to be reckless when it came to flying. Obi-wan, in particular, knew this all too well.

     "Close enough to get the job done!" he replied, as he launched their ship into hyperspace. Soon enough, they had come out of hyperspace and flew their way towards Grievous' ship. Anakin positioned their ship as close as he could, before turning to Adi triumphantly.

     "So, was that close enough for you?" the young man smirked.

     "Any closer and we'd be flying down hallways." Adi retorted.

     "Ah, next time." Anakin promised.


     The group had stealthily entered Grievous' ship, with the aid of Anakin who used his lightsaber to slice open their entry way.

     "Coast is clear, Rex." Anakin whispered, motioning for the troopers to climb out of the pipe they had entered through. "Stay here, and guard the entrance. This may be our only way out." he ordered. As he spoke, Adi's wrist detector began to beep.

     "Skywalker, Master Koth and the senator's daughter are located on the bridge. This way." she stated, as the pair ran to the said destination. Anakin began to sense the familiar force presence of Master Koth, as well as another presence that he did not recognize.

     "How we doing?" he questioned, after they had dwelled further into Grievous' ship.

     "We are close." Adi informed him, just as the two stumbled upon a group of droids. They sliced through them with their lightsabers easily, and continued running towards the bridge. The unfamiliar presence, Anakin realized, had started to sense them too.


     Dawn opened her eyes that she had been resting. It had been a long day, and unfortunately, it wasn't over yet. The same overwhelming feeling from before washed over her, and when she looked up, she found that Master Koth was already gazing at her expectantly.

     "I feel it too." The Jedi stated. In the time that they had been trapped together, Koth had realized that perhaps Dawn was more force-sensitive than he had initially thought. Only someone with a fairly high midi-chlorian level would be able to sense an incoming life form. The girl nodded silently at his words. Let's hope that this time, it isn't Grievous, she thought.

     As soon as the thought had slipped into Dawn's mind, the door of the room they were in slammed open. Two droids came flying backwards, and stopped at the feet of Grievous' tactical droid.

     "Suprise." spoke a familiar voice, who Dawn recognized as Anakin Skywalker. The young Jedi stood with his lightsaber ready. A small, tholothian female, was situated next to him with her weapon handy as well.

     "Not exactly." the tactical droid replied, which summoned a bunch of commando-droids out of hiding. Anakin and Adi positioned themselves into defensive stances. Dawn exchanged a glance with Koth, who nodded his head at her reassuringly.

     "Well, at least they're not destroyer droids." Anakin pointed out. The young man had a knack for looking on the bright side of things, even in the worst situations.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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