Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Leave me alone!" I wake up screaming and realize I was just having a nightmare. I wipe my forehead and sweat covers my hand. "Gross." With a sigh I get up from my bed and head down to the bathroom. I turn on the faucet and begin to wash my face.

"It was just a dream." I pick up the towel next to me and dry my face.

Walking back to my room I realize how quiet it is in my house.

Ever since Susan went off to college everything has been so different. You spend 16 years of your life being picked on by your sister, that you sorta start to miss it.

As I get to my bed, I get comfortable and just stare at the ceiling. Lately, I've been having trouble sleeping. I look sideways to see what time it is and it's only 3:03.  I hate being up at this because I always get that feeling that someone or something is staring at me.

As I start drifting off into a deep sleep, I can see the numbers on my clock get more blurry and blurry.



*AN- So this is my very first wattpad story! :D yeah i know it sucks, but I'll get better and better at this. I really need a new cover, so any opinions? Please share, comment, vote! So what do you guys think so far? Should I continue? 

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