Chapter Twenty Eight

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    "Who are you??" Shadestar raised her hackles as she saw an unfamiliar gray tom in her dreams. She was in StarClan. Great. Another prophecy. Shadestar glared at him.

    "I am Goosefeather. I have a message for you. Your blood may be stronger than Lionclan. But one day even your fire will be contained by water." Goosefeather meowed to her and Shadestar hissed.

    "Nothing can contain me!" Shadestar hissed. Her claws slid out and she got ready to pounce. "I'm stronger, I'm better, I'm faster than any other cat in the Clans!" Shadestar spat at the tom in front of her.

    "Only time will tell." The tom faded away and Shadestar awoke in her nest. She rose to her paws and her eyes darkened. As the days dragged on, Shadestar mind grew more twisted and hateful. There were claw marks in the ground and on the stones in her den. Her eyes were wild and glazed over most days. And her thirst for revenge was consuming her. she blinked, happy that they had found Silverclaw's camp. So it was time for spying. And Shadestar was more than eager. There were new kits camp and she had to protect them. Featherlight had born four healthy kits. Mudkit was named after Mudpelt, Jaykit was named after Jayspirit, and Petalkit was named after Rowanpetal, and Cinderkit was named after Cinderclaw. It was heartwarming. Briarflower had also kitted, she had Sweetkit, Oakkit, Crowkit, and Brownkit. She named Sweetkit and Oakkit after Shadestar's kits and her mother, Oakbriar. Crowkit and Brownkit were named after the siblings Fernfeather had lost; Crowpelt and Brownfur. This was something that meant a lot to Shadestar. Though most days she didn't really show it.

    "Are you ready?" Echofoot asked. Shadestar nodded. Today would be the day that the spying would begin.


    "So Pearl is Silverclaw's mate." Echofoot whispered to Shadestar. She nodded in response, making a mental note to herself that she would personally kill Pearl. The pretty white shecat was obviously pregnant with his kits. Shadestar kept her hiss to herself, they couldn't know they were there.

    "I found some prey!" A ginger tabby shecat meowed, dragging a squirrel into camp. Those prey stealing Fox hearts! I helped Rainpaw catch that! Shadestar immediately recognized the squirrel. She clawed at the dirt to keep herself quiet.

    "Wonderful job, Ginger." A brown tom, one Shadestar recognized to be Dusty, meowed.

    "I never knew how much fun it would be to steal prey from other cats!" Ginger boasted. It was all shadestar could do to keep her mouth shut and not attack right then and there. It wasn't time. And Shadestar already knew her approach would be different than Silverclaw's. She was ShadowClan. She would be sneaky and sly, like the shadows of the night, hunting down the cats one by one.

    Through the day of observing they discovered a lot about his camp. First of all, Pearl was his mate. She was target number one. Dusty was Pearl's sister, so he would die too. Hail, a dark gray tom, was like his deputy. He would die to. And then there was Amber, who was apparently his daughter from a previous litter. She would be dying too. And anyone else who got in the way. As they walked back to camp, Shadestar began her planning of how she was going to get her revenge.


    "Do you think Lightingpaw, Rainpaw are ready to be warriors?" Stormfall asked Shadestar who was laying on her side, stretched out.

    "Sure, why not?" Shadestar meowed. She needed all the warriors she could get, after all there was a war to be waged.

    "As you wish." he meowed. He padded away, clearly heartbroken and longing for the old shadestar, but she was gone. She wouldn't be coming back.

    "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!" Shadestar yowled, rising to her paws. Lightningpaw and Rainpaw walked over to her.

    "I, Shadestar, leader of ShadowClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this Apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a Warrior in her turn. Rainpaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

    "I do." Rainpaw shifted on her paws nervously.

    "I, ShadeStar, leader of Shadowclan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this Apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend himto you as a Warrior in her turn. Lightningpaw, , do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

    "I do!." Lightningpaw meowed exoctedly

    "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your Warrior name. Rainpaw from this moment you will be known as Rainlily.StarClan honors your enthusiasm and positivity , and we welcome you as a full warrior of Shadowclan. Lightningpaw from this moment on you will be known as Lightingheart. Starclan honors your bravery and honesty. We welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan."

    "Rainlily! Lightningheart! Rainlily! Lightningheart!" The clan cheered for the new warriors. Shadestar turned around, not bothering to watch the rest of the ceramony. She had better things to do.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now