imagine one- calum

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this is a book of randomness. random imagines. if you like my imagines, then vote and comment and I will make you one.

    this imagine is dedicated to @missyoungmalik -hope you like!

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''a day at Disney with callum''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

     Marnishas p,o,v

 'Calum hurry up, or im leaving without you!" I shouted impatiently waiting outside our hotel rooms bathroom door.

"Im coming! Don't leave without me!" Calum rushed out the bathroom door trying to fix his beanie at the same time.

I opened the door and stepped out into hall, "Come on, I want to go on the rides!"

"Chill, we'll get there,: Calum said grabbing my hand, I smiled at him and started walking.

  "So what rides first?" He asked when we left the hotel.

"Space Mountain!" I said eagerly.

"I don't want to lose my beanie!" Calum pouted putting his hands protectively on his head.

"Then you shouldn't have worn it." I shrugged.

He stuck out his lip, "what else?"

"Hmm, splash mountain, big thunder mountain railroad, haunted mansion ghost, finding nemo submarine, and-"

"we might not be able to do all those today." calum interrupted.

"I know, I snapped, don't kill my vibe."

"Sorry." He said, putting his free hand up in mock surrender.


"My legs are killing me!" Calum whined.

"Baby." I teased we'd only been in line for like hour, and Calum was already whining.

"How are you still satnding?" Calum asked.

  I opened my mouth to answer but the ticket person interrupted.


 "Come on Calum!" I squealed pulling him up to space mountain.

"Are you ready?" I asked him seeing his eyes start to widen.

"I don't know if-"

I squeezed his hand, in attempt to calm him.

He looked down, and smiled.

    We begun to move forward I tried my best to keep still. I don't usually get scared on these things, I get all excited.

  We slowly moved higher and higher and Calums hand squeezed mine tighter and tighter. As soon as we reached the top, I wasn't sure if I had a hand anymore.

 We plunged down, and I threw my other hand in the air.

"Whoo!" I screamed out. While other people screamed their lungs out.

I looked over and saw Calum had his eyes screwed shut tightly his other hand gripping his beanie, in fear of losing it.

   "That was fun!" I said when we got off, Calum looked like he had died a few times.

"How was that fun?" He asked catching up to me.

"I loved the blast of wind in my face as we plunged to bottom."

We walked in silence to splash mountain, not sure what to say.

    "I love you." Calum burst out.

"What?" I stopped walking, Calum never said that before.

  "I said, I love you." He looked me right in the eye.

 I smiled, "I love you too."

He smiled and leaned in, his soft  lips molded against mine perfectly, it was definitely more exciting then space mountain!

    This was the best vacation ever!


  if you liked this imagine then please vote and comment, I will try to make more if requested.



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