imagine six - louis

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 this is dedicated to @boobear13798

hope you like!

-------------------- first day home --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       tiffany's p.o.v

   "You ready?" Louis asked, poking his head into our hospital room.

"Yea." I answered, finishing getting our daughter, Rosalyn , hooked up in her car-seat. She looked so much like Louis. She had his beautiful eyes, and his brown hair, maybe she will even have his sassiness.

    I put the blanket over her car-seat and carried her out into the hall where Louis was waiting.

"Stay close to me." He said putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer, as if he can protect me from the paparazzi outside.

   we walked down the hall, ignoring the stares we got. It was normal for me to get looks where ever I went.

  We stopped in front of the front doors, and I breathed in a deep breath. I hate the bright flashing lights on their cameras, and the ridiculous questions they yell out.

  "Its okay." Louis assured, me and planted small kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes, and pushed open the doors.

    The bright lights started flashing and voices were yelling really loud, my ears started to pound.

"Louis is it true, that you are going to court to win the baby!?"

    "Is it really your baby!?"

"Louis are you going to leave tiffiany!?"

    "Can you show us the baby!?"

I pulled Rosalyn as close to me as I could.

  Something tripped me and I stumbled forward, but Louis other arm wrapped around me and Roselyn, catching us and pushing us forward.

   We made it to our car and got in as quickly as possible.

"Finally." Louis muttered starting the car.

------------------------ later -------------------------------------

 "Here we are!" Louis announced happily pulling up at our house.

  I giggled, and got out of the car and went to the back and got Rosalyn out.

     "She is so beautiful, like her mum." Louis complemented, taking Rosalyn from me and holding to his chest.

    "Welcome home!" I said opening the front door.

" Why don't you take her to her room, while I go get a drink?" I suggested, going to the kitchen.

    I got a drink, and gulped it down.

I walked to Rosalyns room, and stopped in the doorway.

   " I will always love you babygirl, and mummy too. you both mean the world to me." Louis said looking down at Rosalyn and rocking her gently back and forth.

  "No matter how much, i have to go away, i will think of you every day." He added, kissing her nose.

I felt tears threaten to fall. That's why I love him. How much he loves Rosalyn and me, and how protective he can be. Also, how he does anything he can for us.


I looked up and saw Louis smiling with Rosalyn sound asleep in his arms.

   He stepped forward and kissed me. I also loved this. His sweet kisses.

  "I love you." He smiled, when he pulled away.

    "I love you too." I smiled back.


thank you for reading!!


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