Bye, bye my reaper!

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It was two weeks since I last saw Ciel. I stopped eating properly. I don't sleep. I don't feel. I just work, all day long. I sighed as I finished another pile of papers. Then I walked to my window seeing it was raining again. I sighed and opened my window walking to my writing desk to do more paperwork and draw some designs. I thought about Adrian Crevan. He is a really creepy reaper, if you don't know who am I talking about I am talking about Undertaker. He was nothing but nice to me my whole life. He was a good friend of my mom but I haven't seen him except for business matters. I sighed as I looked at my drawings.

A mix of Japanese kimono and European classic

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A mix of Japanese kimono and European classic. Grey and silvery-blue. Small details and lace. It also had some diamond dust at the bottom. Perfect for parties.

Midnight moon player

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Midnight moon player. It's unusual details make it perfect for masquerade. It has a nice ombre which goes from light blue to dark blue. It has small moons and lyras here and there making it appeal cute.

 It has small moons and lyras here and there making it appeal cute

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I light blue everyday dress with white details and roses on it. Perfect for picnics and long walks or the riding in small boat.

 Perfect for picnics and long walks or the riding in small boat

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Why I drew this one? I don't know. I wanted another one from masquerade collection, the rest are the same. This one is mostly white, but shows a bit black showing that angels can fall and become evil and unpure as some say.

 This one is mostly white, but shows a bit black showing that angels can fall and become evil and unpure as some say

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What?! I just thought Undertaker would look nice as a girl with red eyes! What's wrong with that?

What?! I just thought Undertaker would look nice as a girl with red eyes! What's wrong with that?

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As I drew this one I felt someone's gaze on me. A reaper. I will keep my act like I didn't notice anything.

Someone silently jumped through my window and into my room. I smiled. Reaper came closer to me, their death sides at ready. Than she ran to my chair trying to get me off guard and cut my neck with her twin swords. I was already behind her.

"Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy, you never learn do you? You have to have better strategy to checkmate the king like me in this dangerous chess game called life, where you have only one game of it to play." I said smiling as she turned around.

"I wanted to make this as painless as possible for you." She said, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Guess I'll have to hurt you." She said sadly.

"Oh you won't hurt me Lizzy, I want let you my Queen, you chose the wrong demon tonight, guess it's just your luck." I said dodging her attacks. She was a good swords woman, but I was faster, more agile and stronger than her, besides, we are both halfas, we both have human blood running in our veins which makes our full potential smaller than regular ghouls.. "I am sorry Lizzy, but I will be the one who will win this game." I said as I dodged another one of her attacks, making her position behind me, her back turned to mine, perfect. I grabbed my knife out of my invisible dress pocket, turned around and stabbed her in the back. She gasped as she fell on floor holding her chest as she let go of her death side. "I know this small blow won't end you Lizzy." I said as I got one of her swords. I looked her in the eyes. "Look at me Lizzy, I wanna see your eyes one more time. I am truly sorry for this, but I have to live. I can't die after all I've been through Lizzy. Not now. I am sorry the reaper that had to come for me was you, Grell or William would already be dead if they were sent, again sorry Lizzy." She looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"It's ok, I understand. We can't both live can we? Just take care of Ciel for me. He loves you (Y/N), make him smile, that is my death wish, please make it comes true. Make Ciel genualy smile each and every day, so when I look from hell to the above ground I can see him and you happy with a smile on your face and merry in your hearts." She said closing her eyes smiling bigger.

"You won't go to hell Lizzy, you'll go to heaven. You are just an angel with a little dirt on your wings." I said smiling at her, on the edge of tears.

"Thank you for having such a high opinion of me. It really means a lot. Bye (Y/N), I hope we'll meet each other in afterlife some sunny day..."

"Bye Lizzy." I said as single tear escaped my eye as I pierced her heart, her cinematic record starting to play. All our childhood memories, all her memories with Ciel and her family went before my eyes and got into her swords.

I fell on floor crying, I couldn't stop. I put the sword besides me as I got Lizzy in my hands, crying my eyes out above her dead and lifeless body. After some time I didn't have tears anymore. I wiped my tears away with my bloody hand.

I took Lizzy's lifeless body in my arms and carried her to Undertaker. I knocked with my foot on his door.

"Uncle Adrian? It's me, (Y/N). Can you open up please?" I asked as he opened the door for me.

"Ah, my favourite niece." I am not actually his niece, but since my mother and him were so close he calls me niece and i call him uncle. "What have we here? Dead half reaper eh?" He asked me, I looked down and nodded, I came in and put Lizzy's body on one of the chests.

"Poor girl. She caught in battle she couldn't possibly win." I nodded. "Biscuit?" He asked me giving me one of his bone shaped biscuits.

"Thanks uncle. Can you do me a favour and think of a story how she died? I don't want to go to prison." I said looking at him as I ate the biscuit.

"Well of course my darling niece. I would do anything for you my child." He said smiling at me.

"Thanks uncle Adrian! You are the best!" I said hugging him. "I have to get going now, here is her death side. I am sorry for bothering you." I said as I waved.

"Don't worry about it (Y/N)! Come here whenever you need anything! Or just come for tea and biscuits!" He said laughing one of his creepy laughs.

"I will!" I said waving as I went home jumping from roof to roof, same way as I got here.

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