My butler

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I woke up feeling refreshed. I didn't want to open my eyes. It was nice and warm in the bed. Wait? How did I get in the bed? Last thing I remember doing is crying in Ciel's mansion.... No...nO! NO!!! Please don't tell me!!! I shot up my eyes wide. I was in Ciel's room... Covered with a blanket... But he wasn't there... I glanced at the window and it was sundown. I slowly got up, a little shaky on my legs.

I saw I was still in same clothes I was before. Few! I walked out of the room trying to find someone. I went to Ciel's workroom, nothing... Ok, kitchen? Still no one... Mmmm... Maybe... Game room? When I got close I heard voices. Finny, May-Rin, Bard and Sebby!!! I slowly opened the door rubbing my eyes.

"Where is Ciel?" I asked looking at them all.

"He is in a living room with a business guest." Sebastian said I looked down as I felt something move.... Tanaka... "Ho ho ho"... Tanaka said and i giggled.

"Oh, I am sorry for my curiosity, but if I can ask who is that business guest?" I asked tilting my head, maybe it's someone I know.

"It's mister Fudge" Fudge?! Could it be it's Jakob?! No! That man is bad news!!!

"Jakob Fudge?" I asked hesitantly, not really wanting the answer.

"Yes M'Lady." Sebastian said and i widened my eyes with fear. "Do you know him?" He asked I just started to back away wanting to get to Ciel as fast as possible.

"I do. That man is nothing but bad news Sebastian! He is and undercover assassin!!!" I said a little louder than intended. I started shaking from fear of losing anyone else. "We have to get to Ciel, immediately!" Sebastian widened his eyes at this and before he could stop me I ran to where they were.

"Sebastian!" I heard Ciel yell as I sped up. Why, oh god why?! Memories of my aunt were fleshing in front off my eyes, she getting killed by this darn man! I wiped away my tears and memories with my hand as I sped even more. I was at the door and I threw them open, almost knocking them over.

"Ciel!" I shouted as I saw Ciel in Jakob's hands. I growled as he got gun pointed at Ciel's head. "Let him go." I said in low growl as i felt my skin get up on my back.

He chuckled at me. I could feel Sebastian, he was watching this with amusement. "What will you do if I don't?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I asked smirking my significant smirk before I kill someone. I started walking closer to them, carried by my instincts and my intuition.

"Stop right there or I'll shoot him!" He said his voice steady, this is a first.

"You would shoot him anyway, so what's the point? Come on, do it." I said Ciel got fake hurt expression. I watched as Jakob moved gun from Ciel's head and pointed it at me. He fired it three times and every single bullet ended in my heart. I started falling, but caught myself at the very begging. I stood straight and caughed the bullets out in my hand. I let them fall to the floor. "Shooting a lady isn't nice Jakob. And Ciel? Why didn't you take him yourself honey?" I asked sweetly. "I don't want you to be the death of me my lord." I said giggling.

Ciel smirked. "I wanted to see a performance, and I think I got one. Would you be kind enough to finish him off darling?" Ciel said chuckling.

Jakob again pointed gun at Ciel.

"I'll be glad my earl." I said giggling cutely again.

"I swear you are mad people!!! Who are you anyway?!" Jakob asked shouting. Geez! No need to be rude.

"Me? I am the girl which watched you kill her aunt all those years ago. I am (Y/N) (L/N), Jakob, and I am your reaper." I said smiling. He fired the gun. I caught a bullet with my middle finger and my thumb, my grin getting bigger. I made a few blows on his body along the way so when I put a bullet in his mouth, because I am sick, he exploded in blood. "Sorry for the mess Sebby, I'll help you clean it up." I said helping Ciel up.

"No need miss, I can do it myself, what kind of butler would I be if I accepted help from a noble girl?"

"You would be my butler." I said with a smile. Ciel looked at me.

"Than I'll be honoured to be your butler miss." Sebastian said bowing.

"Please call me (Y/n), Sebastian." I said smiling.

"Alright (Y/N)." Ciel was wide eyed as he realised what 'my butler' actually meant.

"I am going to my workroom to finish some paperwork I left when mister Jacob arrived." Ciel said excusing himself.

"Let's start Sebastian."

"Yes, (Y/N)." Sebastian said smiling.

I danced as we cleaned the floor and watched with satisfaction as Jakob's body burned. It was so pleasing. Warm flames of fire made my heart feel warm and fuzzy. The cracking was something I always enjoyed listening to. It was perfect.

"You think we should put out the fire Sebby?" I asked looking at Sebastian.

"Probably miss, I am going to get the bucket of water." Sebby said.

"No! I have better idea! And it will look better!" I said giggling. I took a deep breath and reliesed it on fire. It froze making abstract sculpture.

"Really beautiful (Y/N)." Sebby said and i grinned big.

"Are you done yet-" Ciel stopped as he saw the sculpture. "What's this?" He said amazed.

"That my dear Ciel is frozen fire." I said walking to him.

"How did you make it?" He asked Sebastian while studying its shape.

"Well (Y/N) made it my master." Sebastian said smiling at me. I blushed.

"Oh really, well how did she make it?" Ciel asked Sebastian which hurt me a bit. I am here you know!

"Ciel, I am here, you can ask me. And I made it with my ice breath." I said looking hurt and mad.

"Sorry, I'm not used to talking to other people. It is really beautiful, can you do anything else?" Ciel asked smiling at me. I smiled the biggest smile surprising Ciel.

"Well I can do a lot of things, but with my ice powers, I can make anything I can imagine." I said as I cupped my hands and concentrated lookin lovingly at Ciel. The fractals started forming glowing a beautiful purple shade.

It was shinning from still setting sun reflecting every single sun ray that came it's way

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It was shinning from still setting sun reflecting every single sun ray that came it's way. Ciel widened his eyes.

"It's as beautiful as you..." He said softening his gaze and smiling genuine.

Smooth boy. He cupped my hands and ice fractal stopped spinning and glowed harder. I looked at him my heart pounding in my chest. His warm smile making me blush hard as the moon came out and stars started twinkling in the dark sky.

"C-ciel..." I whispered as the wind blew and I shivered. The cristal was blown as dust by the wind twinkling as it was carried.

"Are you cold?" Ciel asked moving his hands from mine to my shoulder as I shivered again. I nodded my head shivering again. Ciel just smiled warmly at me. "Let's get inside, it's really chilly." He said closing his eyes and tilting his head still smiling. I melted as I saw him like that, he is too cute! He put got my hand and we walked in mansion as I blushed.

Demon feline (reader x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now