Chapter 4

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It had only been a couple of hours but already they had set their sights on retrieving their best agent. It had taken no time to get a plane sorted and they were currently on a plane heading towards the obscure country known as Northern Ireland.

They had only chosen a few select people to go on the possible retrieval mission. Amelie was of course there as their sniper while also being supplied with Ana's medical supplies while she stayed with Pharah. Jack volunteered to go mostly because he was the best for leading this mission but partly because he somehow wanted to get through to Gabe and even if possible bring him back. He knew there was an ice cubes chance in hell of that happening but it was still worth a try.

The others on the mission were (AKA Hana Song) because she could block their bullets, Winston could drop a shield of they needed it and finally Genji because he could get up into high places and he had the power of the north wind dragon on his side made him a very useful asset.

They had all occupied themselves with something to keep them being anymore stressed than they already were. Lena was truly a one of kind person and the fact Talon were currently torturing her had made the tension hot and heavy.

Genji and Hana were playing against each other on a colourful mobile game and it's clear that Hana was wining by a mile due to Genji's frustrated sighs. Winston seemed to be working on more equations while Jack and Amelie had decided to go over their mission plan one more time just to be safe.

"We know the plan of the building so we attack from the back while I scope them out you guys go in and look around to see if Lena is there." Said Amelie putting on her headgear. Honestly the spider like visor had been given to her as a joke. Once the Overwatch found out she had a deathly fear of spiders after an incident where she tried to snipe it, there had begun 24/7 jokes and nonstop teasing. This was created by Winston and Mei for her first mission but it actually was a remarkable piece of equipment.

"Yes. We do this as quietly as possible." He had addressed the stament to her but he said it little louder again while looking at the gamers. The both took note and fearing his elderly wrath they put away their devices. Winston saw them putting their things away and assumed Jack was about to do one of his infamous mission speeches so he placed his notes beside his peanut butter snack he had taken with him.

"We get in and get out, if Lena is in there she might be in bad shape. We don't need an unnecessary attention on us. If you find Gabriel Reyes AKA Reaper, we need him alive." He said definitively.

"Why?" Winston asked curiously. Gabriel had done nothing but be a pain in the Overwatch's side and it would save more lives if he was put out of existence. He still hadn't forgotten him stepping on his glasses on purpose during the failed gauntlet heist. That was unforgivable in his opinion.

"We just need to set an example of justice if we kill him we look like the bad guys now stop asking questions." He replied getting him to promptly stop asking questions even though he got a feeling he knew the real reason he wanted him alive.

The awkwardness was interrupted by a light turning green followed by a loud buzzing sound. They had arrived. After research the old Talon base blueprint Winston had figured that it was somewhere in a forest area, and sure enough they hand landed being surround by nothing but green.

"Let's go"


After what seemed like a while they had finally navigated their way to the base. Jack had thought he could do it on his own being a natural born lead and so forth but it was eventually Hana using her mech to go in the sky temporarily and see where it was, thankfully Gabriel made bases practically the size of his own ego so it wasn't hard to miss.

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