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Hey party people!! So like how mar said I am the second person writing a little short story in this book. You could say I'm the other half of the book in a way. I've always wanted to write a book but I just never knew were to start so I though this would be a funny and a unique way to let my writing begin plus its a challenge how could I turn down a challenge! And about my hobbies and shenanigans and what not well I'll give you guys a short story about that (haha get it *wink*wink *) I am one thousand percent certain that I was born in the wrong time period, music and writing are my life and i am happily addicted to coffee (sometimes).
Well that's enough about me now onto the real reason you guys are here.My challenge for Mar will be ....... on a love story .... oh ya you read right a love story about a new water polo coach falling in love with one of the girls on the Team. Go crazy Mar !! You have a maximum of 2 weeks to write your story. Much love your girl Luna 🌙

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