Chapter 1

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April's POV

Our parents had split, I went to live with him and his friends, I fell in love with one of them, I couldn't have him, I faked my death, took my Mothers last name and became one big mess.

Josh was always overprotective. Whenever our Father would get cross he'd stick up for me it always resulted in him getting hit by Father. It was never ideal but he took it, he knew that he would be out of that hell hole soon and I would be able to live with him. Josh was a planned baby then 6 years later came me, the 'accident' as my Father likes to refer to me as. They should've just called me disappointment, got it over and done with.

When our parents told us they were divorcing I was 19, still living at home with them. Of course Josh had moved out, numerous times he would try and convince me to move in with him and each time I told him no. Someone had to stay home and take care of Mother. Her and Father constantly argued, he was abusive and we were over the moon when Mother moved into her own House. A little cottage in the countryside far away from Father. A large garden to grow flowers and fruits, maybe even house some chickens or a large dog. It was the life she'd always wanted.

"You can come live with me now," Josh told me, as we helped Mother with the last couple of boxes from the moving van. 

"Josh I can't, I just dropped out of Uni and I have no money, I could hardly pay for a week at your place let alone a month," I responded to him, I could see the look of sadness on my Mothers face.

"Look I'll help you out for awhile A, it's the least I could do. Hey! Come to think of it, you could help Freya with the clothing line earn some extra money,"

Freya. Joshes High school sweetheart and still going strong to this day, I would die for a relationship like theirs, but the closest thing I've come to is a snog behind a bike shed when I was 14. Oh how I knew that was about to change.


"Bye Mum! I'll see you soon," I called out to my teary eyed Mother.

"I'll look after her Mum, don't worry. Bed by 11 everyday!" Josh chuckled,  a smile crept on my Mothers face. Her last Baby was leaving her, she knew this day would come and she prepared herself for it. By doing so she made me cookies everyday for the 2 weeks before I was leaving. "You ready?" Josh said looking over at me in the passenger seat.

"Yes, I am," I giggled putting on my seat belt. "Sidemen house here we come," I was so excited, excited to start a new chapter in my life, make new friends and live with my brother.


"Guys this is April," Josh motioned towards me. "April, these are the boys," He looked so happy like he was fully content with his life, like everything in the world was perfect.

"Josh we know who she is," Tobi came bounding over, like a beam of sunshine. He was Joshes High school best friend and watched me grow up. Tobi of course knew about my father and he became my second brother soon after meeting him.

"Tobi! It's been too long," He pulled me into a hug, a hug in which I could just melt in. When he let go I had a clear shot of who was in the kitchen. JJ, Vik, Tobi, Harry and... Simon boy did I know he was going to fuck me up there and then.


"Oh I'm so sorry," that's the first time I properly spoke to him, I'd seen him at party's and gatherings but never actually had a conversation with him.  I had been living at the Sidemen house for 2 weeks. The room I was staying in didn't have an en suite like the others so I always had to walk across the landing whenever I needed a shower or the toilet.

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