Chapter 2

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Aprils Pov

I've been keeping an eye on the Sidemen and Josh on social media. After I 'died' they all moved out of the sidemen house and moved into their own places. Josh finally moved in with Freya after nearly 9 years of them being together and I was happy for him, his career and independent clothing line really took off.

Josh has always been a reserved and private person he didn't really make a whole big thing about my 'death'. Most of the Fans didn't even know he had a sister until I started living with them.

I went to live with my Mother after I was discharged from Hospital, I told her everything about Simon, the growing fame that 'April Bradley' seemed to attract, I didn't want that life.  I wanted the simple life. The life where you can go to the coffee shop in town and not attract hundreds of teenagers wanting a selfie.

My mother respected this and she allowed me to stay at hers for as long as I needed while I recuperated, I changed my phone details, my social media. I changed everything about myself, even my last name. I thought about dying my hair and putting contacts in like the movies you see when the main character wants to go deep undercover.

But I didn't want to, I didn't want loose myself completely in this new persona I had created in the last year. Everyone knows about April Bradley but hardly anyone knows about April Parker. Parker was my mum's maiden name before she married my Father, so I decided that I'd take that name instead of creating a fake one completely.

For months after coming out of hospital I was constantly paranoid, the thought of Josh rocking up at our mothers house unexpectedly or seeing me whenever I went out played around my mind. Of course I still checked Simon's social media and his YouTube every now and then to see what he was up to, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't still in love with him.

I work in a tiny aesthetic cafe in the local village called Sunflower, it's about a 10 minute walk from where I live. It's a nice walk in the spring, lambs start to appear in fields and flowers start poking up, I easily made friends within the first couple of weeks working there, two people I clicked with especially. It was like they were always suppose to be in my life. They both don't know about my past life and I don't think I'll tell them either it's something I'd like to move on from but every time I try to I always seem to go back to that place, back to Josh, back to Freya, back to Simon. I wonder what he'll be doing right now, what we would be doing if I was still there if I was still with him.

Present Day

"Mum I'm about to go to work," I call out as I lean against the back door, watching her plant the last sunflower bulbs ready for the summer.

"Okay Dear, message me when you get to work won't you?"

"Of course I will Mum," I step out and walk towards her, "I'll see you soon," I bend down and place a kiss on her forehead. I make my way back over to the back door, "You want me to bring you home a croissant," I call out.

"That'd be lovely," she smiles over at me while I wave and disappear out of her line of sight. Picking my bag up I make sure I have everything with me, my keys, phone, name tag and purse, as I make my way out of the cottage I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My dark brown hair waving down my back as two strands frame my face, my once bright hazel eyes had seemed to loose their spark, they use to be my best feature but now I'm not so sure about it.


There's only one car park for the entire village to use, all the restaurants, all the hotels, all the shops and even all the residents have to use it. It isn't ideal in the summer when all the tourists visit the village as well, it's like London when it gets busy. In a way I've been lucky that I haven't been spotted or sussed out yet.

I open my car door and step out grabbing my bag, "Hello Dear," A voice comes from behind me.

"Good morning Mrs Worth," I say cheerfully closing my car door and waving towards her.

"How many times do I have to tell you my dear. Call me Jenny," She smiles as her husband comes out and hands her a cup of tea. I met Jenny and her husband when I came to the village for a Job interview at Sunflower. She offered me a cup of tea and told me everything about her young life as a midwife, showed me photos of her children and grandchildren and even tried to hook me up with her nephew.

"Sorry, it's a habit," I laugh off, "How are you Phillip," I say referring to her husband.

"Oh you know me, bright as sunshine," He replies in his Scottish accent.

"As always," I smile, "I would love to stay and chat but I have work to do, I'll see you two later," I wave them goodbye and start to walk over to the cafe.

"Hey Luna," I greet my best friend as I walk into the little cafe. Luna Willow a 23-year-old who is addicted to video games to say the least, she started studying Law at University but dropped out and ended up working here. She is short with fair skin, Blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"April" She screams dragging out the L in my name as she runs over to me engulfing me into one of her bear hugs, "I haven't seen you in foreverrrr."

"I literally saw you 6 days ago," I laugh walking into the back to put my bag into a locker. I close the door and lock it turning around to be met by Luna's face. "What, is there something on my face," I panic suddenly feeling insecure.

"No, you didn't come to the party on Saturday,"


"I'm so so sorry Luna, I completely forgot about it," Truth be told, I didn't forget.

"She hasn't stopped banging on about it," My other best friend, Devon says as he pops his head around the corner. Devon Wilder a 25-year-old who is addicted to make up and all things fashion. Never been to college or university but could definitely steal your man. He is tall, bleached blonde hair and bright green eyes,

"You said you'd come," She said sounding disappointed.

"I'll come to the next one, I promise," I flash her a sympathetic smile as I walk past her towards the aprons.

"Good because the next ones this weekend. At Hunters, we'll change at yours so you don't ditch me this time," She skips over to the coffee machines and start turning them on, now happily content with herself.

Hunter was this guy she had a crush on and when she has a crush she turns into one of those people who will do anything to impress the person they like. They normally pass in a couple of days but Hunter, Hunter was different.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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