Chapter 1

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'Gudbye', with a disfigured 'love shape' was all he had written on the note, Bradd was such a weary soul.
"Nell!!!!!!!!!" Jae shouted from downstairs as I came back to reality, he had called earlier and wanted to hangout. I hurried and combed my hair, put some mascara on and ran downstairs.
"I legit recall having one mother in this world" I said to Jae whilst hugging him.
"Ummmn.... what has that got to do with you wasting my time Nell?" asked Jae.
"Firstly, never ask me a question beginning with 'ummmn'. Secondly, you shout my name aloud often times, I think you're my mum. Thirdly, I'm hungry, let's go grab a bite" I replied.
"You don't need to tell me twice" Jae said. I knew he just ignored my other points and replied only to the grabbing-a-bite one. We walked outside the sitting room to the compound and got into Jae's car.
"real food or fast food?" Jae asked.
" Good food!!!" we both said aloud and laughed out immediately. we had both included "Eat healthy" in our resolutions for the new year. Jae turned the ignition on and reversed outta the compound.

    I took out my phone from my pocket and pressed the home button, there it was, boldly on my screen "Happy birthday Bradd", with some party emoji to spice it up, I pressed the home key to kill the screen and dropped the phone on my laps.
  "Today's his birthday" Jae said with all certainty.
  "Whose birthday?" I asked, pretending not to know.
  "My dad's brother's" Jae  answered sarcastically
  "Your dad's the only child"
   "Well, since you want to act all dumb to whose birthday it is today, papa gotta get a new brother".
   I rolled my eyes, Jae was too dramatic for his own good.
  "You gonna wish him a happy birthday?" Jae continued
  "what makes you feel I haven't already?" I asked immediately
  "I know you Nell, you might be so passionate but that's a Ying to your egotistical Yang" Jae said
  "well, you're wrong"
  "am I?" jae asked. It was sarcasm

We were already at the restaurant, thank heavens, I came down from the car and adjusted my dress. Jae came over and we walked in. I ordered for some curry sauce and rice and Jae ordered chicken peppersoup and boiled yam. We ate in silence for some good  15 minutes.
   "pununutuntuntuntuntun pununutuntuntuntuntun" Jae's phone rang, breaking the silence.
"Yobiseyo" Jae said after picking up
We had been watching some kdramas of recent and we picked their hello.
"gotta go Nell, Zoe needs me urgently" jae said as he dropped the call.
"what for?" I asked
"I wish I knew, seems she's in some kinda trouble" Jae answered
"Okay Jae, bye bye, I'll get a cab" I said
"Bye munchkin, eat my remaining food" Jae joked as he grabbed his wallet and walked to the cashier's counter.
"trust me" I said and with a brief smile
After Jae paid the bills he came back to the me and whispered "Call Bradd".
"Ok Dad" I called out to Jae as he walked out outta the restaurant to his car.

I wasn't gonna call Bradd, not in this life, not in the afterlife.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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