Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Mudpaw! Jaypaw! Cinderpaw! Petalpaw!" The clan cheered for the four new apprentices. Shadestar sighed and padded away. So maybe the apprentices weren't exactly six moons old, they only had a half moon until then. She just apprenticed them a little early. Now was the time for her to find Amber. She had spent the past two moons stalking her and finding where Amber spent most of her time. And now, now was the time to kill her. Shadestar slipped out of the camp, with an evil glare in her eyes. Vengeance will be served and it will start with Amber.

Amber hunted along the ThunderClan border around sunhigh every day which was around now. And that was when shadestar planned to strike. Her claws itched for blood. She stalked her way over to the border. Good Amber was on ShadowClan territory, he golden pelt clearly visible. Shadestar unsheathed her claws, and as fast as lightning, she was behind her. Silent as the night, she followed Amber and then she pounced, digging her claws into her back. Amber yelled. Shadestar shoved her down and reached under and slashed her belly, but not deeply, just enough to immobilize her.

"What do you want from me?!" Amber shrieked, laying in her side, bleeding. Shadestar raked her claws across her nose.

"This is a message to Silverclaw Nobody attacks my family and gets away with it." Shadestar hissed in her ears.

"But-" the shecat let out gurgling wail as Shadestar  slashed her throat. She coughed up blood as the blood flowed out of her neck, her eyes frozen in fear and pain. Shadestar flicked the blood off her claws. The shecat died and lay there still.

"Now you will know what's it's like to lose a daughter, Silverclaw!" Shadestar  yowled at the sky. "You're pain has only begun!"


Shadestar looked at her reflection in the lake. She had finished washing the blood and the scent of the shecat she had just killed out of her fur. Her eyes burned in anger and pain. She yowled at the sky and she slashed at the sand. It flew into her fur. Shadestar turned around and she returned to camp. She went straight to her den. She didn't talk to anyone and she didn't want anyone to be around her. Her black paws may be no longer stained red with blood, but to her they were still red. It sickened her, but yet there was no guilt. She regretted nothing. The only regret she had, was that she wouldn't be there to see his face when he saw that she had killed his daughter. Next, would be Dusty. He was the next one to die. And after that, Hail. And then Pearl. And then her kits. And then and only then would he finally die. First he had to know her pain. Then his death would be a mercy to him.


Dusty frequented the old two leg nest in Shadowclan territory. And that's where Shadestar was headed. It had been a half moon since she had killed Amber and now was the perfect time to strike down Dusty. Mudpaw, Cinderpaw, Petalpaw, and Jaypaw were practicing battle moves. The training of her apprentices had become more intense. Graywhisker had moved to the elder's den. Pineheart had died peacefully in her sleep. Briarflower's kits were four and a half moons old and were adorable. Though everyone was still mourning for their fallen clanmates, they seemed to still be happy which bugged Shadestar. She shook her head and she tracked down Dusty who was with another cat. A white and black spotted tom.

Shadestar slammed into the side of Dusty, biting his back leg, tearing out fur and skin. The other tom yelled and jumped onto her back. Shadestar through him into a tree.

"Time to die, Dusty," Shadestar hissed in his face. Dusty scratched her ear as shadestar  raised a paw.

"Dusty, no!" The tom yelled.

"Run, Henry, Run!" Dusty yelled. Shadestar tore open Dusty's throat, and then leaped onto Henry, popping his shoulder out of place. She wouldn't kill him, just wound him severely so he could give a message to Silverclaw

"Tell Silverclaw that Shadestar says hello" she hissed as she raked her claws down his back, and he screeched in pain. She let him go and looked back at Dusty who was dead now, eyes closed, and his claws outstretched. Shadestar knew Henry would only survive long enough to deliver her message. Then he'd die himself. I will make you pay! If it's the last thing I do! 

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now