Chapter 8

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Zariah's POV............

I was running through the forest. The heavy fog only made it harder for me to see where I was running. It was a dark and gloomy place. I stopped to rest for a minute. I bent over, and rested my hands on both knees. Right as I was catching my breath, I heard a familiar, and welcomed voice.


The voice was calm and had a good affect on me. It was my mom. The fog cleared so I could see her face perfectly.


She called again.

Her voice echoed through the thick woods.


I called after her. Each time  she called my name, it got quieter and quieter.

She started to turn around and walk away.

"No! Mom! I'm here, I'm right here, Mom!"

I screamed after her. I began running to catch up to her. I tripped on a tree root and fell on my face. I quickly got up in order not to lose her. I looked around in utter confusion. It had gone from a dark, and foggy forest, to a bright, and hot desert. I squinted trying to see over the hill in the distance. I saw no sign of anyone, nor anything.


I called out.

No response.

I started running to the hill. If she had gone over it, she might still be on the other side.

I ran to the hill and up the steep face. I was panting and running as if my life depended on it, which it did. My mom was everything for me and I couldn't just give up and lose her. I desperately called her name more times.



"Mom, I'm here, MOM!"

I screamed at the top of my lungs. Feeling tears stream down my face only made it harder to find my mom, the person who mattered most to me in the world.

I started picking up pace. I finally reached the top of the hill. It was a pretty big and dry hill. I looked down the other side of the hill, and sure enough saw mw mom, scurrying sown the hill. I looked ahead of her. There was a girl standing, calling to her. I looked closer and saw the girl. She looked exactly like me. She was calling my mom and crying. I squinted to see her better. My mom ran to my clone and hugged her.

"It'll be alright, it's okay."

My mom comforted her, stroking her back.

They turned to leave. I was dumbfounded that my mom thought that girl was me. I refused to let a clone steel my mom from me.


I cried out. My mom stopped and turned. I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach. A feeling of hope and security, safety, and even joy filled my body.

My mom looked around confused as if she couldn't see me. I know she heard me, so why couldn't she see me?

They turned and began running, running until they vanished.


I screamed getting ready to bolt down the side of the hill after them.

I ran into something. Something hard. I fell back and held my head. I looked up and saw nothing. I scurried to my feet, knowing that every second I wasted on the floor, was another second mom and that evil clone got away. I walked to the top of the hill. Right in the center of the hill, there was some sort of structure. I couldn't see anything, yet when I reached my hand out, it hit something. The third time I touched it, it shocked me. A powerful shock. It flung me back down the tedious hill. I was rolling and tumbling, and more rolling. I finally reached the bottom of the hill and I rested there. I put my head on my arm, crying. I was sobbing for my family. I wanted my mom, my dad, and my friends.

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