PART I:Stepbrother

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No one POV

It was the day where the 12 handsome brother was got a new beautiful and soft mother also a younger sister.

"So this is our new mother?"asked lay before look at a woman infront of him that kindly smile at him "yes"said dad "What mother work?"asked baekhyun "she was my P.A"said dad again with it make they smile.

"Oh also you will got a younger sister" said dad suddenly shocking the sibling "Boys! This is Park Jimin or Jamie Park her english name. She will stay at your house and attend same school as you. She is 20 years old this year and she now officaly your younger sister" said dad again before we saw a girl with a beautiful long chocolate hair also a white skin and simple clothes that look at them quite.

The parents was leaving the house. They leave jamie with her new eldest brother.

"So your room at upstair and have a rose golden number on it"said suho with it make jamie nodded before goes up with her thing.

Jamie POV
So i got my new eldest brother and new father. I follow what my new eldest brother said. I goes upstair and then saw a door with a rose golden number.

I open the door, the room was quite big than my room before. I open the light and unpack all my things and school book.

I admin that the room was full of my taste. Have many dark colour and then hello kitty or any of frozen

I goes to bathroom for shower but the problem is the light was already dead.

Because of i just known my brother, i don't want to ruin they awkwardness yet so i change it by myself. It safe cause i bought a new one from my bag

When i was change the light suddenly someone get inside my room and in shock with me...

Kris POV
Luhan told me to change the light at our little sister bathroom, i goes to her room and open the door. As soon as i open the door, i was in shock and gasp when i saw the girl was change the light by herself.

It make me totaly worried and anger to her.

"YAH!WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"i scold her and it make her totaly shock but not even cried or hurt but dare to scold me back "Could you please don't shout at me! It gave me more hard time to change this worst thing!"she said to me with annoying and anger make me sigh before hold the chair so that she not fallen down.

"Done"said jamie with it make her slowly goes down from the chair and look at kris "What is your name?"ask jamie make kris staring at her "My name is Wu Yi Fan but people call me kris for the short"said kris make jamie bow's "Nice to meet you kris oppa"say jamie before smile make kris smirk.

"Ok now let's go down, you have to know our name and introduce yourself toward us"said kris suddenly while jamie just nodded and follow kris goes to living room.

"My name is lay, i was the eldest inside this siblings" "My name is xiumin i was the third eldest" "My name is luhan. I was the fourt eldest" "Chen is my name" "Park Chanyeol great to see you" "Hi jamie ah my name is baekhyun" "my name is do kyungsoo and it was great to see you" "hello my name is suho and i was the five eldest" "My name is tao little sis" "Kim jongin or kai was the name" "Oh sehun and..i was older than you".

"All of us was born in diffrent place and diffrent name but still as same blood"said suho with it make jamie nodded "We all was older than you and you must call us oppa"said lay and again she was nodded as a respons "So we're done introduce ourself. It was your turn now"said sehun cold while jamie just gave a cold face without smile.

"My name is Park Jimin or Park Jamie i was 20 year's old this year and it was really great to see you. I was live at Thailand before move to korea for studied. There i was learn the same as korea did but there too i was learn english and thailand word. The school that i attend was the same as korea school. The name of the school is  Royal School Of Thailand and it of course the same as korea. Done"jamie explain about herself make the brother smile fakely because of awkward.

"So you must be a clever girl right?" Asked kyungsoo suddenly break the silent between them "maybe"jamie gave a simple answer for kyungsoo question.


"Should we sleep now? It 12:23 am already?" With Jamie question they all in rushing goes to they own room.

The next day...

Jamie wake early for a breakfast but it seems like someone is waking up more early than her. Jamie goes to kyungsoo and baekhyun that was had a breakfast.

"Do you want some bread Jamie?" Ask baekhyun suddenly with it make Jamie nodded before put the bread on her mouth before grab her bag and phone.

"Did you want to waiting the others?" Asked kyungsoo with it make Jamie stop her step but sat down back on the sofa and quietly read the book.

6:16 am

It was the time where all Jamie step brother have a breakfast while jamie still thinking what should she do now.

'You're beautiful for me~' suddenly jamie phone was ringing make she take the call .

("Hello who was there?" "It was me your best friend Zelo!" "Don't tell me that you also school at Royal oppa?" "Yes and I am so excited" "ok ok meet you at the school" "bye my baby and my love" "hmm bye)

As soon as she hang up the call with her friend. Chanyeol,Kai, sehun and Kris was in front of her face with an question face.

"Who is the guy that call you?"asked Kai "Zelo oppa one of the kingkas inside your school"said Jamie "what is relationship between you two?"asked chanyeol "a best friend"said Jamie with it make they all gave an sigh toward her before they walking with her to the school.


BTS and GOT7 was not in yet... Wait for my update neee

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