chapter 10

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"Soooo hows it going?" He slurs to me across the phone.

"FIne. How drunk are you that you called me after standing me up?" I snap at him.

"Hey, hey, it's not standing you up if I texted your first! My buddies wanted to go out, and they wanted me to come. If I said I was going out with you, it would be all over the news by tomorrow."

"If that's true then they must not be very good friends." I suddenly lose all my anger towards him and I am filled with sympathy. It must suck to have every one else control your life all the time.

"Yeah, well I am outside your apartment, care to buzz me in?" I look at the girls for approval and they nod with eager eyes.

"Um, sure that's fine I guess. I will just come down and walk you up. Be there in a minute."  I say before hanging up the phone and walking to the door.

"Be right back." I say to the girls as I walk out the door.

As I ride the elevator down the 4 floors it takes to get to the ground level, I think about how lucky I would feel about this situation a week ago. However, now I know Harry's true self and I am not attracted to him as much, since I loved his fun loving personality, which I now know is non-existent.

When I reached the bottom floor, the first thing I saw was Harry pacing back and forth. He is wearing a black t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and black sneakers. His curly hair id pulled back by a bandana. Man, does he look hot. I walk towards him ,and when he spots me he smiles.

"Hello love." He doesn't sound as drunk as he did when he first called. 

"Hey. The elevator is this way." I walk toward the elevator and he follows me. The ride up is long and awkward, the silence is uncomfortable. When we finally reach my floor, I step out first and he follows me. 

My apartment is the first door on the left when you exit the apartment, so it wasn't a long walk once we left the elevator.

"This is it." I say when we reach my door. I forgot my keys in my rush to get to Harry, so I knock at the door and wait for someone to answer. I can hear Mel and Annie arguing over who opens the door, but Mel being the more assertive one wins and we see her face when the door finally opens.

She looks past me and right at Harry. "Hey, I am Mel and this is Annie." She introduces herself with a flirty smile.

Harry nods and walks past them. I can see the hurt on their faces. Annie and Mel are two of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. They met through modelling, and both major in fashion. Mel has long, wavy brown hair with caramel eyes and a perfect complexion. Annie has perfect complexion too. I have lived with both of these girls for  a year now and have literally never seen one pimple. Annie has shoulder length blond hair, and green eyes. her eyes are actually probably more of a hazel, not piercing green like Harry.

Harry. How did he even get here without a swarm of paparazzi?

"Harry, where is the paparazzi?" I ask him with a curious look. 

"Outside." He nonchalantly states and my heart starts pumping.

"They followed you here? What were you thinking? What are they going to think of you coming into my apartment?" 

How could he be so careless?

"Well, I um I, well I wanted to be able to tell them some good news when they attacked me as I left." He rubs the back of his neck and nervously smiles at me. I have never seen him nervous and it is actually quite endearing.

"What are you talking about?" I practically spit at him.

Last week, if someone would have told me that I would be yelling aat Harry Styles in my apartment right now, I would have never believed them. I guess that saying from the show 'Big Brother' is true, expect the unexpected. 

"I well I was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend," my heart stops and I gasp but he continues to speak, " I know that it is a lot of pressure to be dating a celebrity and all but I would really love it if you would try to deal with the paps and screaming fans and girls trying to kill you for me. Because I want to get to know you better, and in order to do that we have to be official or else the paps will label me as a man whore." 

When he finally ends his speech, I can't even speak. I am utterly shocked and I don't know what to say. His green eyes are staring at me expectantly and when I say nothing he breaks eye contact and looks at the ground, rubbing his neck again. I can tell that is a nervous habit of his.

"I mean if you don't want to that's fine too I just thought-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. I pull back and whisper in to his ear "Yes" before he pulls me back to his lips. His tongue parts my lips and gently swirls around mine. I can see Annie and Mel staring out of the corner of my eye and I suddenly feel uncomfortable. I hate public displays of affection so I pull away and a pained look flashes across his face but he grabs my hand and firmly holds it with his.

"Want to go on that date now?" He says with a smirk.

"Sure." I say with a giggle, but the pain of him standing me up suddenly resurfaces. I push it back down and walk with him to the elevator to go on our date.

I brace myself for the attack of the paparazzi when we reach the large glass doors that act as both the entrance and exit of the building.

When he pulls the door open, he motions for me to go first and I smile at him and thank him. The moment my foot steps outside, the paparazzi goes crazy and starts screaming and the flashes are blinding me.

"Who's she Harry?"

"Who's the girl?"

"Got a girlfriend? A lover?"

"Did he sleep with you?"

Their accusations make me uncomfortable and Harry notices. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me close. 

"She is my girlfriend." Those simple four words make my heart melt and I smile uncontrollably the entire way to the restaurant. 

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