16| Stop Trying

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Julie's POV

"Ugh!" I groaned

"Patience young grasshopper." Nathan said as he pats my head

"I hate you sometimes." I said rolling my eyes

"Ready." He said

"Yep." I said

I look at the curtain and see our fans waiting for us

We all went outside and the fans yelled as we sat in our seats

"Hey y'all!" Graser said to the microphone

They screamed

"Welcome the Cube panel!"

"So we have the majority of the Cube member here."

"So, we have an announcement." Sean said

"Julie, do the honor." Summer said

"Really?" I said

They nodded

"This Panel will be the last panel." I said

They were silent

"The Cube is a ending." Graser said

I can hear people crying

"No, we have decided to end because we have to focus on our separate career." I said

I can heard people sniffling and I can see people trying to hold back tears

I walk down the stage and stand there

"Anyone need a hug?" I yelled

No one came until a 16 year old came toward me and cried in my arms

"It's okay." I said rubbing her back

Soon more girls came toward me and we formed a group hug

"I love y'all too death, please don't cry."

"Aw." Graser said

"Happier news, Julie and Noboom have a announcement." Lily Beth said

I walked up the stage and grab the microphone

"So, I think Noboom would like to tell the story." I said

He gave me a thumbs up and looked at the crowd

"Me and Julie are dating." He said

Silent ran through the room

I see Lily Beth clapping her hands

"Finally JulieBoom!" She said

Soon Fans yelled

"Happy now, Julie cheated on Grape." She said

Everyone got silent

"Yep, Sean walks up to see Drunk Julie and Noboom kissing." She said

"It's the opposite." I said

"You broke his heart, he cried to me all night because of you."

I look at Sean as he stands up

"You know what, I'm tried of y'all drama happening, I cheated on Julie because I was drunk and I made out with Lily Beth, I know you were heartbroken and you threw your promise ring to me, but I'm truly sorry for ignoring you all this time and ..."

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