It's hard to always know where to begin
It's hard to always know where to start
You can't see the finish line from here
But you can feel it in your heart
So you take your first left foot, right foot, it'll all be worth it someday
And you begin
It's hard to always keep going
It's hard to always continue
Your body aches and your mind breaks
But your heart helps you move
So you take another left foot, right foot, it'll all be worth it someday
And you keep going
It's hard to not stop when the finish line is in sight
It's hard to not fall on the ground and say you were close enough
But the world is on your side now
And your heart pushes you forward
Until you're three steps away
You take a final left foot, right foot
A final deep breath
It'll all be worth it someday
The finish line is right in front of you
Finally, finally
It's right there