Frog in your throat? Nah its just a TROLL!

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Sabathius ran to her careful not to make much noise as he went to check on Sara. As he grew near, he s slowed up, possibly afraid of what he might see. She was lieing face down in a pool of slick filth, and crying.

"Sara?" his voice was so soft Hypnos himself could fall asleep to it.

She cryed even harder from embarrassment and pounded the ground with her fist "Every night... everynight its the same..." She started to sit up, and Sabathius rushed to her aid.

"What does he do every night Sara?" Sabathius knelt down with one knee and listened.

"Its not really every night more like every morning. He uses my body as a hideing place, since the sun will destroy his kind." she coughs and sneezes "I don't know where he came from or why he chose me, all I know is that when he emerges he walks away towards the velvet mountains to serve one named--"

"Talatnotair, the dragoness I spoke of. Tomorrow, I must follow him when he emerges." again his voice was very soothing and soft.

"Its simply awful. he starts out useing his strength to open my mouth so he can start to fit inside, hes so big and his length, he pushes his length down stretching my throat, until hes all the way down inside me." she rubbed her throat and then looked up at Sabathius.

"I am truly sorry." he said.

"Its ok, its not as if you were going to try and force your way down my throat." a small chuckle followed.

Sabathius looked at the reader and sighed, then back to Sara.

Sabathius knew very little about shadow trolls. He knew that they ate and rolled around in soot. He also knew that they had to be summoned, he was banking all this time that Talatnotair would be a benevolent dragoness. But now he was unsure.

"Sabathius.... Cant you just give up this quest and stay with me? We could get a smakk shop, and grow crops and raise pigs." she smiled trying to pretend that he would stay.

"I never give up quests, ever. Its how I got my reputation as an adventurer." he turned to her and held her close, his voice now a low whisper "Other reputations were earned in other ways."


They held each other until the sunshine almost touched them. Thunderous foot-falls were next "He will always be able to find me because he was summoned to me. Its strange the was dragon magic works." she looked deeply into his eyes ans then kissed his gentle lips "Be-careful Sabathius." He ran to a hiding place behind some conveniently placed bushes.

The huge male troll came into view, naked and steaming from intense heat. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH, WHORE, I'VE NO TIME TO  DAWDLE!" Sara knelt down in front of him and started blowing cool air onto his monstrous penis, it wasn't just big it was huge! As to why Sara was made to blow cool air upon it was a mystery... but kinda arousing as well. The whole time the troll just stood and did nothing else except enjoy it, then suddenly it took her by the head and stepped into her mouth! One leg then two. When they lost balance they fell down and he shimmied into her as though she were a pair of pants.

Their plan was a simple one: They would travel to the velvet mountains, and onve there, wait for the shadow troll to come out. Once he were outside, Sabathius would follow him all the way to Talatnotair, and proceed with the quest. No problem.

When Sara awoke, she was a bit wobbly on her feet, and taking note of it, Sabathius steadied her, and the two soon were well on their way, and before long a conversation brew's.

"So tell mr about your childhood, your parents, do you have any kids?" his mouth moved very fast. He took a deep breath in and slowly let  it out, then awaited an answer...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2014 ⏰

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