A beaten path

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"Well... Next time I will certainly remember to grab a bottle or two for the road." Sabathius thought to himself. "But then again, I guess things were a bit hectic."

Sabathius walked calmly and with no cares or thoughts except for those about women and booze. He whistled a tune every now and then, when suddenly... out from nowhere... his nose picked up the sweet, sweet smell of some freshly brewing hunny mead!

Sabathius couldn't pass up a chance like this! With a hop, skip, and a jump he was off with renewed vigor in his step. Before to long, he stepped close to a barrel on the side of a small house made of stone and straw. First  he took a huge sniff, it almost curled his hooves!

Sabathius looked from side to side, watching for a gardian of some sort. After seeing no one, he slowly picked up an old and dented ladle and dipped it slowly and stirred the brew, he couldn't wait any longer for just one sweet kiss from... WATER!?

"What messed up sorcery is this!" Sabathius shouted as he threw down the ladle. 

Sabathius usually can control himself when it comes to being calm and cool, but there's three things that have a way of busting through his common sense, you see: Women, booze, and women.

As the ladle splashed back into the barrel, Sabathiuses nose picked up the sweet scent once again. Now he was very angry. In fact, he was so angry that he marched around the house until he found the door, and knocked so hard you'd think he would have broken it in!

"Wake up in there! I have a question and I need it answered NOW!" Sabathius roared to a simple wooden door. 

Behind the wooden door sat smiling, a small man, not tiny nor wee, but small. Upon his head sat a magnificent mushroom hat. Now, within the mushroom hat there was a room, that room when looked into, was a masterfully collected library. This collection of books belonged to none other then: Doctor Silas Petris Fedora-Von'Gratias the third. Not only was this a renowned professor of magics, but also a creator of trickery and non-sense.

Another three wicked raps and the door, being just a simple wooden door, was about to fall. Sabathius once again roared angrily "I DEMAND satisfaction from this trickery I have had to endure!"

Suddenly, the simple wooden door burst open, and standing there was the small man. Cheerfully smiling up at the satyr before him. Sabathius jumped a bit startled, then positioned a confused look upon he who stood before him, not noticing as well that he now stood inside the house.

"Your just a wee little man aren't ya?" Sabathius asked.

The small man then chuckled and bowed, then a sound not unlike that of a million fire crackers sounded off in front of him, a large plum of smoke and there he was in all his majestic quality: Doctor Silas Petris Fedora-Von'Gratias.

Sabathius just starred at the obvious display of magic. 

You good sir have found the magical, mystical, mythical library of"---" At this point in the mans rambling, Sabathius decided to turn to leave, but upon doing that took notice of the door, as to which now it seemed to be gone. The funny Dr. Fedora-Von'Gratias came running upon wee, tiny feet to the front of the tall saytre and in a slightly louder voice, again went into his presentation.

"You good satyr have found the magical, mystical, mythical library of...  Doctor Silas Petris Fedora-Von'Gratias!" The small but lively man held his arms out as though he were presenting the library to him. A broad, cheeky smile upon his face, ear to ear.

"Bite me." Was all our thirsty hero had to say. Well almost. "Show me out of here now, before things get rough."

"Wait just a second, now I believe that all things happen for a purpose.." The small statured man said quickly as he continuously tried to intercept Sabathius from leaving. "..which means that your finding this house was not a mere coincidence."

Sabathius stopped and picked up the small man and turned to set him down next to the other small man with the cheerful grin, but, upon trying to do so the Doc disappeared. Only to reappear next to Sabathius.

"What by all the gods do you want with me?!" Sabathiuses anger was teetering upon its edge.

The Dr. looked at him and finally after gageing his emotions decided to speak "Ok,ok, I'll skip all the bullshit and cut right down to the chase. Your a master when it comes to the arts of love making, your name is well known. I want you to retrieve an item for me. A special item, an item so rare, very, very few people even dare to speak of its existence."

Sabathius watched the Dr. speak and sized him up, nodding every now and then, either to avoid looking like he didnt care or to avoid falling asleep.

"The item I speak of.." the Dr. looked around as if the walls had ears "...is none other then.." he quickly jumped to stare Sabathius in the face ".. the Dragons Clitoris!" the room went dead silent, even if it was that way anyway.

Sabathius cocked an eyebrow, yawned then said "Let me get this straight, you want me to go into a dark dank cave and fight some giant lizard to cut off her WHAT!?"

The Dr, smiled broadly and nodded his answer, the whole time the weird little man in the giant mushroom hat was grinning.

"Yes my dear saytre, Thee Dragons Clitoris. It is being held at this moment by the dragoness, Talatnotair, and you shant have to 'cut' anything. You simply ask her for a trade. You see, the mystical orb appears every so often upon a female dragons.. ehh hmm, you know."

Sabathius was still in a bit of shock and simply watched the Dr. speak, every now and then looking over at the weird grinning thing.

The Dr. continued. "So, as I was saying, You go in and romantisize her, making her feel so wet and arroused, that the precious gem 'pops' off! Then you can run or gallop the hell back here. To me. With the gem." The Doc clasps his hands together in a greedy fashion "Simple."

Yeah... simple. Sabathius thought to himself.

A pleasant morning... (Book Two of the Sabathius Reed Sage)Where stories live. Discover now